Example sentences of "been hold [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier this month Bear Stearns , the New York investment bank , distributed 10 million shares that it had been holding as part of a deferred payment plan .
2 Ferguson 's promise was more praiseworthy than pondering how much Germany might have been holding in reserve .
3 In Wiltshire , where Bromham had been held of Battle abbey , Baynton profited enormously from the dissolution .
4 A number of meetings have been held with District Councils over the period of the preparation of the plan .
5 Talks have been held with district representatives , where fears were voiced .
6 Talks have been held with bus companies on the basis of a £10 pass and 10p per journey charge and confirmation of the transport firm 's agreement is expected tomorrow .
7 Virtually everybody there had been held on remand or had been to prison before , so knew how the prison ran .
8 Astringently if politely , Louisa had been held at bay ; till now , when at the lines :
9 Barton Lynch , sitting out the qualifying rounds and waiting for the main event , recalled the 1988 Billabong , which for the first time had been held at Pipeline .
10 An eleven year old boy has been held at gunpoint by armed raiders and forced to lead them to money and jewellery at his family home .
11 Pringle , of Thirlmere Road , Darlington , was shot in the neck by a police marksman on Tuesday after 21-year-old Leanne Rees had been held at gunpoint for 47 hours .
12 A total of 59 meetings had been held between Boutros-Ghali and the two leaders since the first round of talks began in July based on a " Set of Ideas " put forward by Boutros-Ghali [ see p. 39067 ] .
13 All three had been supporters of Zhao Ziyang , the former party general secretary who had been held under house arrest since his dismissal in June 1989 .
14 In 1983 AI learned of the release of a group of Jehovah 's Witnesses who had been held without trial since 1978 .
15 A report on Amnesty International 's first investigation into political detentions in Saudi Arabia , published on Jan. 11 , claimed that over 700 political opponents of the regime — principally members of Shia opposition groupings — had been held without trial since 1983 , including some 100 in 1989 alone .
16 A number of prisoners detained in connection with alleged drug trafficking had been held without trial since 1991 .
17 Hundreds of Afghan political prisoners have reportedly been held without charge or trial for up to nine years in interrogation centres and segregated prison blocks operated by the Ministry of State Security .
18 Other political prisoners released including Andrew Kwame Pianim , an economist , businessman and former chief executive of the Cocoa Marketing Board , Bombardier Mustapha Mohamed , one of Ghana 's longest held political prisoners , detained without trial since December 1982 , and Corporal Stanley Okyere and three others who had been held without charge or trial since 1983 ( see AMNESTY , April/May , p10 ) .
19 It was 1747 before trouble was again encountered over the question of the collectorship , and at that time the office had been held without dispute for several years by Michael Elphinstone of Quarrel , whose election had been secured by an alliance of the Duke of Montrose and Lord Elphinstone .
20 The elections were deemed by foreign observers to have been held without widescale irregularities , although cases were reported in a few localities .
21 Despite the divisions between Catholic and Protestant in cities such as Glasgow the Salvation Army have always been held in affection in Scotland .
22 Lord Granville , the Lord President of the Council , replied that the competition had been held in accordance with the recommendation of a Select Committee .
23 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before I expressed an opinion .
24 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before expressing an opinion .
25 The first two rounds of voting had been held in north Lebanon and the Bekaa on Aug. 23 and in Beirut and Mount Lebanon on Aug. 30 [ see p. 39071 ] .
26 A church service has been held in memory of a man who was stabbed to death in his back garden .
27 The estate had been held in trust by the second brother .
28 It requires the abolition of trade union immunities , the ending of legal protection for the ‘ closed shop ’ , the introduction of legally enforceable collective agreements , the sequestration of trade union funds in cases in which secret ballots have not been held in support of strike action , and the provision by trade unions of greater information regarding their financial affairs .
29 Beginning on July 26 , the sit-in protest at the key Samtredia rail junction had been held in support of allowing discussion of the bill throughout the republic prior to the start of debate in the Georgian Supreme Soviet on Aug. 17 .
30 A meeting between Israel , Egypt and the United States to have been held in preparation for a possible Israeli-Palestinian dialogue was apparently postponed after the attack .
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