Example sentences of "been take out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , he telephoned from Kigali on Saturday to say that they had been taken out through the area in which the fighting had taken place without mishap .
2 Since the scheme was launched in 1987 690,000 plans have been taken out for a total of almost £1.5 billion .
3 From the survey , it would seem that many bureaux which own the microfilm system find many uses for it within the bureau when it has not been taken out for an outreach advice session ; it is used for training purposes in order to demonstrate access to and use of information in CAB advice work and it is also used for giving talks to outside groups .
4 They are likely to include the following : ( a ) the execution and exchange of the acquisition agreement ( by which Newco will buy the business from the vendor ) ; ( b ) the managers having subscribed in cash for ordinary shares in Newco ; ( c ) the passing of any necessary shareholders ' resolutions ; ( d ) receipt by the investors of a satisfactory accountants ' report , audited accounts and management accounts ; ( e ) the managers having entered into service agreements ; ( f ) receipt by the investors of certificates of title ; ( g ) the investors being satisfied with the loan and banking facilities being provided to Newco ; ( h ) keyman insurance having been taken out for the benefit of the company over the lives of each of the managers .
5 Suzanne Gratton , 22 , of Warwick Close , Birkenhead , was accused after it was noticed that the licence on her car had been taken out for another vehicle .
6 Mitcham Road depôt in Aurelia Road , West Croydon , remained closed and empty , the connecting curve , which joined the main road towards Mitcham had been taken out on 8 December 1935 .
7 He says he is now living in fear , having been told that an £80,000 contract has been taken out on his life .
8 Seattle Rhyme , winter favourite for the Ever Ready Derby , has been taken out of Epsom betting after David Elsworth expressed doubts about getting the colt to post for the Classic .
9 If he can not stand , the patient might be transferred to his bed before being cleaned , but if he is using a commode , it is usually possible to clean him from under the commode seat , once the pan of the commode has been taken out of the way .
10 After the eruption , it was found that almost the whole of one side of the cone had disappeared , and it looked as if a giant bite had been taken out of it .
11 Ann Upton the returning officer for the East Hampshire constituency told the Herald on Thursday that the ballot box had been taken out of the small office and made freely accessible to voters — meanwhile our photographer discovered that it had been simply relocated in the forest .
12 The line tightening in the water told me they had done so , and I struck before all the bow had been taken out of the line .
13 In the West German region of Lower Saxony , at payment levels £200 higher , only four per cent of eligible land has been taken out of production .
14 ‘ The balls fly so far these days that Hell 's been taken out of play .
15 One thing 's for certain , though : committing this kind of money on equipment is a serious business , so buying all the components from the same company makes sense from the back-up point of view , and as the hard work has been taken out of the design — ie. flightcase , patch cables , mains feeds etc. — it makes even more sense .
16 Mr Evans apologised , saying his comments had been taken out of context .
17 ‘ The zest and sparkle and the real opportunity has been taken out of her life , ’ said the judge .
18 They waved goodbye at the door and got into the Jaguar well pleased at the chunk which had been taken out of the Guinness Mahon share mountain .
19 As a result of this change , the Inland Revenue estimates that over 200,000 older married couples have been taken out of the tax system and no longer pay income tax .
20 The Briefing Paper makes the point that more resources have been taken out of the area in the last decade than are being put back in now .
21 The point is not merely that decisions about the day to day operation of the business or even long-term strategy have been taken out of the shareholders ' hands — this is the intended , central advantage of the corporate form — but that the shareholders are no longer able to shape the purpose for which the business is run , that is , they are unable to oblige management to maximise profits .
22 But can we then be quite sure that at a later stage , when the same kind of performance has been taken out of the service and then out of the church , the signal is unambiguously to ‘ art ’ ?
23 It 's been taken out of my hands .
24 Under the Seadocs procedure , The bill would have been issued by the carrier in the traditional negotiable paper based manner , but would have been taken out of circulation immediately after issuance , and then sent to SeaDocs by courier for safekeeping in Seadocs ' vault .
25 Comfort agreed and enjoyed it when it came , but the sparkle and fun had been taken out of their conversation by the unfortunate choice of the word ‘ gossip ’ .
26 They make the poor girls look as though they had n't been properly unpacked , as though they 'd been taken out of the box and someone had left half their wrappings on . ’
27 But since her captivity , a babel seethed around her constantly , the cries and demands of Sycorax , the commands of the men on guard over her , the hammering and planing of the pales for the stockade and for the settlers ' other plans ; the shouts of the men from the boat-building on the beach , the barking of orders to bondsmen brought from England on the ship that had returned , the yells of slaves whom they had loaded in Dahomey or Yoruba on the journey back , and roped and chained and put to work under the whip , and the bellowing laughter now and then of the overseer , a tall African who had been taken out of chains himself to hold the lash over his fellows .
28 It was a particular , exact colour ; Musgrave had seen it only once before , in a special department of the Bank of England where they incinerated notes which had been taken out of circulation .
29 If only he 'd got caught up in politics , or good works , or become a governor of his old school , he 'd have been taken out of himself more ?
30 This has yielded substantial modelling possibilities which is now approaching the stage where virtually all of the guesswork has been taken out of credit marketing .
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