Example sentences of "been on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A four week challenge was performed on 20 children who had been on a gluten free diet for mean ( SD ) 14 ( 3 ) months .
2 People who have n't been on a council before .
3 A family who 've been on a council waiting list for four years have finally been offered a house which has been wrecked by vandals .
4 ‘ A night out with John Minton , ’ Lehmann recorded in his diary in October 1951 , ‘ for which he arrived with a bunch of carnations in the wildest , gayest form , having been on a jag for three nights — and continued it that night in spite of my attempts at restraint ( which were spoiled by laughing all the time ) , flinging his arms about , shouting shrilly with highly risqué asseverations at the White Tower ( at which Tennessee [ Williams ] appeared for a hallucinatory moment ) , becoming embarrassingly affectionate and enthusiastic about me , and pouring money out for champagne in the Caribbean and another unidentified night club . ’
5 now that tape that 's in now , tt , there 's a little bit at the front of that and it 's been on , oh it must of been on a fortnight and it does n't matter what you record
6 The HCIMA bibliography has been established over nearly 10 years , and the past seven years has been on a computer database .
7 He said Sigsworth had been on a drinking binge for several days before going to the police station .
8 And he said erm now I do n't want to alarm you he said but er , have you any been on a canoe before and er I said no !
9 Well if we 've been on a drive like you are
10 Television came in the wake of other consumer durables : a vacuum cleaner and a boiler for the washing — once used to cook a lobster my father has brought back from the Highlands where he 's been on a spell of painting stations that will be closed by the Beeching plan a decade later .
11 The man was a fellow-American and had been on a tour of European branches for the previous three days .
12 She had just reached the foot of the stairs when she saw Ben entering the yard ; and when she stepped from the doorway he called towards her , ‘ Been on a tour of inspection , then ? ’
13 She had no travellers ' tales , no air of a person who had been on a journey , and I knew she would be both disbelieving and resentful if I should try to describe the eternal vistas I had glimpsed .
14 He 'd been on a management course from which he had returned to speak of God as ‘ the perfect chairman of our meetings . ’
15 He also sent us out to a dhow in the harbour to fish ; we had never before been on a vessel that rode so close to the water .
16 Unless they 've been on a course of laughing pills , no one at the doctor 's will find these jokes in the least funny , and if you laugh at them , we recommend that you see a doctor as quickly as possible since your humour gland has obviously gone mental .
17 Okay Now as those of you who have been on a course will know er on a training course one thing I particularly ask you and we all do is to be open minded .
18 Just a fortnight earlier , she 'd been on a course called Heart Start , which taught her the basics of resuscitation .
19 Over lunch I overheard Bernadette say to Sarah who 'd just started with us then , Ricky 's a bit strange at the moment because he 's just been on a course , but he 'll be better next week .
20 But since then I 've been on a unit of tropical forestry in Oxford Forestry Institute , and I 've been travelling regularly , almost yearly since I 've been there .
21 Last weekend well for a couple of weeks she 's been on a downer .
22 It 's the first time we have been on a coach holiday and we were a bit apprehensive .
23 Having been on a test drive with an observer at a Road Safety Day , I found my driving was in need of an overhaul .
24 Jack Cartwright and his wife June and their two children Alan , 11 , and Melissa , 13 , had been on a camping holiday in the West Country , but unfortunately everything had gone wrong .
25 ‘ He had been on a weekend retreat and said he wanted to get rid of the urges within him . ’
26 Police in the Co Armagh area have been on a state of alert since a massive IRA bomb devastated the centre of nearby Lurgan in March last year .
27 Or have you been on a re-training scheme ?
28 In actual fact I have bent over backwards , I was the only councillor that went and welcomed one of our new ke tenant farmers quite recently , having been on the agricultural environment protection committee and been on a board of er interview panel .
29 Felipe had let me drive around the hacienda but I had never been on a road . ’
30 We have been on a trip to Cliff College in Derbyshire .
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