Example sentences of "been [adj] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Further , no married woman could make a will without her husband 's consent , nor ( with trifling exceptions ) make any contract , except as agent either for her husband or for some other person : it would have been absurd to let her contract when she had no free property out of which she could pay .
2 It had been pleasant to see her flitting about Moorlake , absorbed in her enterprise .
3 They probably seemed as ridiculous to the boy as they 'd seemed boring to Nevil , who had been right to say they had harmed him with their indulgence and from whom they would willingly now have asked forgiveness .
4 She had been right to say it was people like that who do terrible things , and if Timothy Gedge did do terrible things it would not be because he was different and exotic but because he was possessed of an urge to become so .
5 The astrologer had been right to warn her off , had been right that his heart was tied up elsewhere .
6 He 'd blame it all on the beer and the sherry , he 'd say with a laugh she 'd been right to tell him not to take any .
7 It was wider than it had looked and Fenella thought she had been right to think it led away from the road , deeper into the hillside .
8 He had had a few hopes for Sally-Anne Tunstall himself , had been sorry to see her go .
9 I 'm not sure Hawick was right for her and I 'd have been sorry to lose her , but that 's beside the point .
10 Joe , a friend from school , had been due to meet him there , half an hour earlier .
11 Although the 20 cm square shaft has been known about since 1882 it is only with developments in recent technology that it has been possible to explore it by means of a video camera mounted onto a mini robot .
12 Having been placed on to three lengths of webbing , six men would be required to lift the shell and put it into the case ; the webs were then cut , as it would not have been possible to withdraw them .
13 We 've got certain rules that say all children must sit certain exams at certain times , it has n't been possible to do it in the labs
14 The wall opposite the sink and the window was covered with an oak dresser , very old and probably valuable , if it had been possible to remove it from the wall without its collapse , and the original row of bells still hung over the door each with its Gothic script ; drawing room , dining room , study , nursery .
15 It has not been possible to exempt her from a third politics module , 7605 , but rather than delay her Stage II entry it has been agreed that she may ‘ trail ’ it in that stage , i.e. she will include it along with her advanced modules as 1 of the 2 basic modules which may also be counted .
16 Of my writing you will form a more correct idea when you see my specimen of Penmanship , which I hope will afford you much pleasure , for my endeavours have not been deficient to render it deserving of your esteem .
17 Shelley did n't mind , but it would have been polite to let her know beforehand that she had to run two clinics instead of one .
18 He had been afraid to lay her in her cot because she had wind , a Manchester inquest heard yesterday .
19 We have already encountered an archetypal example of this in the Neolithic mother-goddess cult , and it may be that today , over-indulged children , not fully weaned because of permissive fashions in modern childrearing , and encouraged throughout their childhood and adolescence to remain dependent on parents who have been afraid to deny them anything , experience a similar hankering after the unobtainable but mouth-watering mother-as-breast .
20 She had always been too conscientious , never spared herself , been afraid to leave him for longer than a day , she deserved a rest , a holiday .
21 ‘ That 's when I brought the kids in — I 've never been afraid to do it before and I wo n't hesitate to do it again if it is best for the club .
22 She had n't told him in the beginning because it was totally unimportant to her — her family was not religious — and then , after they had been married a while and she had discovered he was extremely intolerant about various classes of people — not Jews , in fact , but Negroes and Catholics — she had been afraid to tell him in case he should think she had deliberately concealed her origins because she had not trusted him .
23 As time had gone by , and Constance 's conversation had made clear the depth of her friendship with his great aunt , he had been afraid to tell her , fearing exactly the reaction he had now received .
24 Either that or the paint had simply been afraid to sully his obviously expensive jeans and sweatshirt .
25 Each also had a wood stove , and a bathroom so small that someone of Arnold Schwarzenegger proportions would have been afraid to enter it , for fear of never getting back out .
26 Bad news , so bad the boy had almost been afraid to utter it !
27 If Luke had shrugged his shoulders and claimed a diabolic omniscience she would have been disposed to believe him .
28 It was annoying for them when their womenfolk smiled upon Memet , and it would have been inadvisable to hit him , since he came from a family as large as their own and as little troubled by the niceties of correct behaviour .
29 ‘ It would have been interesting to meet them . ’
30 He had lost himself in her , and she had been willing to take him .
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