Example sentences of "been [adj] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 She must have been asleep for some hours when the sound of her opening bedroom door penetrated her dreams and brought her instantly awake .
2 He had been asleep for some time , physically exhausted after his ordeal , but now he tossed and turned , held fast in the grip of some awful nightmare .
3 ‘ The nurse tells me she 's been asleep for some time . ’
4 She has been depressed for some time .
5 That charge has been wrong-headed for some years ; nevertheless , it has been sustained by enough left-wing activity to feed Conservative propaganda .
6 Resorting to personal ties to survive or advance is a mechanism which has been used to some effect over the generations , but which prevents people turning to organisations or political activity which might , in the long run , prove more effective in solving their problems .
7 I think maybe I must have been Spanish in some former life — I feel as though I 've come home . ’
8 The weather had been dry for some time and , fanned by an easterly wind , the fire spread rapidly until , within three days , it had engulfed most of the city .
9 In that process , it may well be that some of those concerned in the management of the company , and others as well , have been guilty of some misconduct or impropriety which is of relevance to the liquidation .
10 His friend and doctor , Dr James Mortimer , said that Sir Charles ' heart had been weak for some time .
11 Rumours of cutbacks at the factory have been rife for some time .
12 ‘ A number of invitations have been outstanding for some time , and people just chose to take them up at this stage , ’ one said .
13 The annual floods had been low for some years , and conditions in the villages were very bad .
14 It has been possible for some time to cruise down the Nile , or stay in some of the jewelled and painted palaces of Moghul India , or walk along the Great Wall of China .
15 ‘ That has been possible for some time .
16 For National Certificate modules it has been possible for some time to approve alternative outcomes , under certain circumstances , for students with special needs of all kinds .
17 Another line of attack has been that of some psychologists who have concentrated their fire on the question whether the type of experimental procedure designed to produce associative learning in Aplysia can ‘ really ’ be said to fulfil the conditions required for classical conditioning .
18 ‘ The consequence has been that for some time , by mutual agreement , we have led more separate lives . ’
19 The technique , has been existent for some years , and should provide information which may be of use in identifying high levels of expenditure within a particular specialty within a district , and should be of value in assisting local planning .
20 During the party leadership contest much emphasis had been placed in the media on the fact that Major had not had the advantage of a privileged home background or education , that his father had once been a trapeze artist , that his family had lived in a flat in Brixton in South London , and that he had left school at 16 and been unemployed for some time .
21 At a time when over one third of the economically active population aged under 25 have been unemployed at some time in the last 12 months , the prospects of reaching 80 per cent owner-occupation without drastic policy changes seem dim ( Social Trends 15 , Table 4.26 ) .
22 It has been clear for some time that the demands of the arms control process would increasingly dominate military planning .
23 The warnings had been clear for some time .
24 It has been clear for some time that there are a number of significant practical problems with the interpretation of SSAP 6 , Extraordinary Items and Prior Year Adjustments , particularly in respect of the variety of treatments of apparently similar events as sometimes ordinary and sometimes extraordinary items in the p&l account .
25 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
26 The implications of the Black and Tans ' behaviour and of the complicity of the Government in their reign of terror had been clear for some time , but Tubby 's experience had brought it all into sharp focus .
27 It has been clear for some time that the Al Fayeds are not who they said they were in 1985 .
28 Vanity basins have been popular for some years now , especially in larger bathrooms .
29 Since this is similar in shape to a cubic curve a cubic model has been popular with some authors .
30 Surveys of attitudes have been popular with some researchers .
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