Example sentences of "been [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was reported , for instance , that of the nationally mixed marriages in Turkmenia from the 1920s to the 1970s , not a single one had been between a Turkmen girl and a Russian man .
2 Rather hoary for a start-up , Mentalix has been through a couple of iterations beginning as a consultant and going on to develop scanner interfaces for the old Apollo workstation .
3 A 32 year old manager may be full of vigour , enthusiasm and malleable but a 52 year old manager has been through a couple of recessions , knows the ropes and cap pull a few more rabbits out of the hat .
4 She has been through a marriage , a divorce , and a serious love affair ; learnt Russian , written regularly for a local paper and taught a young child disabled by a stroke to read again .
5 Jesus has been through the agony in the garden he 's been arrested he 's been abandoned by his apostles he 's been through a trial and he has actually been through the crucifixion and he 's been buried in the tomb .
6 Another means of keeping contemporary teachers better informed and less parochial in outlook has been through a range of central and local government books and reports .
7 She felt as if she had been through a millrace , buffeted and whirled , but the one clear thought that ran through the inner tumult was the finally accepted fact that , with all her heart , she had wanted to say yes to Luke .
8 ‘ We 've just been through a decade where we watched surface responsibility get peeled away from a lot of people and institutions . ’
9 Some elderly people have been through a divorce leaving a residue of ambivalent feelings and some social isolation ( Hunt , 1978 , Table 12:8:1 ) .
10 If you have been through a divorce , you must have asked yourself , what if I 'd handled things differently ?
11 All this activity left little time for photography but , even after returning to the States to continue his work for the FSA , Delano never lost sight of the fact that his introduction to Puerto Rico had been through a camera .
12 Quite normal duties for a revenue cutter , but there was nothing normal about that particular week we spent in Ullapool at the end of which we all felt as though we had been through a wringer .
13 When I worked er for in the mid eighties , we had been through a period where we 'd always taken the cheapest tender .
14 Amstral has recently been through a combination of management buyouts and takeovers , including the acquisition of Crab Advanced Technologies ' sales and marketing division , and now goes by the name of ABC Workstation Solutions Ltd .
15 ‘ Nolan 's been through a lot , ’ Fiona said excusingly .
16 I know he 's been through a lot , I know you 're fond of him , but he and Sam should n't be in the same room together just now . ’
17 ‘ Ronnie Moran and Roy Evans have been through a lot and seen a lot of players come and go .
18 You and your body have been through a lot of stressful experiences , both good and bad , and it could be as long as two weeks before you feel like doing anything except the most gently of runs .
19 You and Brian have been through a lot , living in different emergency housing places .
20 WE have been through a lot in the press .
21 ‘ They are old friends and they have been through a lot worse than this over the years .
22 ‘ But he and Jerry have been through a lot together and I 'm sure they will sort things out , ’ he added .
23 Right now the relationship 's good ; he 's like an old friend , we 've been through a lot of shit together . ’
24 ‘ I 've been through a lot of stuff because of it .
25 But it probably helped our friendship , because we 've been through a lot since then .
26 He 's been through a lot . ’
27 Geraldine had lost both her parents the year before , so we 've been through a lot of the same feelings .
28 ‘ We 've both been through a lot , ’ he began .
29 " We 've been through a lot of danger , " he said .
30 Bernice had been through a lot in the days they had been separated and he was proud of her .
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