Example sentences of "been [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 They are clearly a very cost–effective form of risk assessment ; the situation will have been examined at a level of detail and expertise not usually available to individual companies .
2 Coupled with this , however , we have to remember the huge concentration of such sediment in deltas such as that of the Mississippi , where it has been accumulating at a fantastic rate ( perhaps 10 000 feet in the same period of time ) .
3 The animals have been recovering at a wildlife sanctuary , and are now well enough to be moved into a purpose built set .
4 The animals had been recovering at a wildlife sanctuary , and were ready to go back into the wild .
5 Core skills have also been developed at a stage suitable for the new National Certificate ( Skillstart 1 ) and National Certificate ( Skillstart 2 ) awards .
6 The Oakgrove Manor in Derry 's Magazine Street has been developed at a cost of £1.4m .
7 Children who 've been given at a far too tender age , the terrible power of holding a loaded gun and be able to command everything in sight as a result of that , have actually got to get back and rediscover childhood .
8 So , inference : the picture had been painted at a time other than it appeared to have been , and had been painted by someone who " could not have been there " .
9 Toy soldier enthusiasts have been gathering at an auction to try and pick up some bargains .
10 Once it has been formed at a mid-oceanic ridge new oceanic lithosphere subsides as it moves away from a spreading centre and becomes cooler , thicker and more dense ( see Section 17.6.3 ) .
11 ALMOST 1,000 inquiries have already been received at a six- week-old community project .
12 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
13 Either the C scribe or one of his predecessors added to the 1017 entry that the ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , and ( perhaps inadvertently ) omitted from it the expulsion of Eadwig king of the ceorls , which appears under 1020 ; the information in 1030 that Olaf " was afterwards holy " ( i.e. regarded as a saint ) must also have been included at a fairly late stage in C 's composition .
14 Union leaders protested that while wages had been frozen at a low level , a freeze on prices could not be maintained because of the lack of government inspectors — a fear endorsed by Collor 's television appeal of Feb. 3 asking the general public to be watchdogs against price rises .
15 Along with the rest of the property sector , British Land 's shares have been trading at a considerable discount to its assets per share , and yesterday 's move is an attempt to close the 40 per cent gap which built up as institutions took a dimmer view of the market .
16 The advice it received from the firm was to bring its loans up to date , in particular the $18m credit line it had given to UMF which , PW noted , had consistently been trading at a loss .
17 Rabbit has been trading at a loss — last year , net losses amounted to $2.6m , down from $3.3m losses in the previous year , on revenues down 20% at just under $7m ; for the first quarter of this year , losses were reduced to $248,000 , from $800,000 , on sales down 13% at $1.6m .
18 More importantly , any disclosures made in relation to this warranty will highlight fairly accurately whether the Business has been trading at a loss since the Balance Sheet Date — which if true might seriously affect the Purchaser 's willingness to buy the Business .
19 ‘ Not only has Drayton Asia 's investment performance been disappointing , its share price has been trading at a discount to net asset value ranging from 26.8 per cent to 9.7 per cent during the year to 10 February .
20 The reason given was that children would not be religiously and educationally prepared for the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation because they had not been educated at a catholic school , irrespective of their parents ' alternative provisions : in one area , parents had set up their own Sunday schools as an alternative .
21 It was true that he had been educated at a public school , but he managed to disguise this handicap very well .
22 Most Hoorays you are likely to come across will have been educated at a public school .
23 Born in London of an Irish mother and a Scottish father , she had been educated at a convent school in North London .
24 He had been educated at a progressive , artistic school in the south , with a radical tradition very different ( despite its ostensible similarities ) from the one in which Alix had been reared .
25 Jilly Fox had been educated at an expensive boarding-school .
26 Prosecuting counsel Anne Toynbee told magistrates at Crawley , west Sussex , that the aircraft had been parked at a stand at Gatwick on Wednesday while engineers worked on an electronic fault .
27 Tear the slip out and hand it in at any Midland branch ; or put it in one of the AutoDeposit machines that have been installed at a number of our branches .
28 Whilst it has been installed at a number of specialist publishers , such as Rhinegold , and more than a few local and regional newspapers , AM has never made much of an effort to actually sell the device on its merits to either the corporate market or the publishing community .
29 Equipment to monitor nitrogen oxides has been installed at a number of sites , including Wilton recreation club , in a jointly funded venture between ICI , Langbaurgh Borough Council , Enron and British Steel .
30 An attempted raid was also been reported at a solicitors office in Horsemarket .
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