Example sentences of "been [verb] in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm that in fact one of the odd points here is that when a person is convicted , that information is public , but nevertheless as the years go by and indeed er this has been recognized in for instance the rehabilitation of offenders act , it becomes private information and if someone 's looking for a job the fact that he was convicted of an offence many years ago should not be er er relevant .
2 I was surprised I 'd been let in at all , surprised that I 'd been able to wander freely about the second and first floors of the cold labyrinthian building of stairwells , escalators and concrete locker-lined corridors .
3 I think just to conclude the the engine of growth argument , erm , has obviously been raised in relation to other new settlements , notably Cambridge and and this has been referred to already , erm the situation in Cambridge is different to York in in that the level of growth that 's that 's anticipated for that city is is is significantly higher , and the new settlement erm proposals there have been considered in in that regard and and just for the record C P R E have supported the the new settlement in that particular location , but it does seem to me that the returning to your basic point , that that erm if one applies those circumstances in Nor North Yorkshire it does fly in the face of of established policy in the structure plan , and the overriding er policy is is one of restraint in what is is considered to be one of the country 's most sensitive environmental areas , thank you .
4 At the end of my foundation year I 'd been voted in as Social Secretary , in charge of putting on all the shows there .
5 He could have been done in by some thug who was after the money in his pockets .
6 I 'm not saying that people would have never changed their ideas but if it would have been done in the manner that it would have been done in in the first place and if people would have been told about their future lives and if people had been , would 've accepted what was going on in light of all the decisions that have been taken previously regarding the merger issue .
7 The Law Debenture Trust has been called in as independent pension trustees .
8 The judgement as to the potential trading benefits to Britain has been vindicated in at least one sense .
9 We are the only country that 's been condemned in in the European courts for failing to meet the E C drinking water standards .
10 Epithelial conduction was first demonstrated using nerve-free and muscle-free epithelia of siphonophores and hydromedusae and has now been found in at least four animal phyla .
11 Bronze Age tagged and barbed arrow heads have been found in at least eight places widely distributed over the island and three more of the leaf shape , and it is probable that others found have not been reported .
12 Well it gives a schedule of housing conditions in Greater York erm and I 've been comparing in in turn that schedule with the schedule produced by the City Council on a more updated basis .
13 They were invited into the classrooms to take part in some of the activities the pupils had been engaged in during the past term .
14 The topic returns to the forefront of attention in the final chapter , in which I discuss the very possibility of the enterprise I have been engaged in for the previous fourteen .
15 The best way to start on this dis section of this discussion may be to erm express the observation that the county council and at least one of the local authorities which is Harrogate , erm are already engaged in have been engaged in for some time a very positive erm activity to try and attract to the county inward investment predicament that the economic development unit of the county council , the economic development of at of at least the one local authority that I have named and erm prospective developers such I 'm representing today , share common predicament , is that the existing structure plan constructs some obstructions , erects some obstructions to the attraction of inward investment into the county .
16 The others were that there was no power conferred on the council by Parliament , that the activity would not have been engaged in by a ‘ reasonable ’ authority , and the capital markets fund , through which the transactions were undertaken , ‘ was not reasonably organised or maintained ’ .
17 A very similar sort of enterprise has been engaged in by philosophers interested in the notion of speech act ( addressed in Chapter 5 ) : either by examining a special set of verbs called performative verbs , or by more abstract conceptual analysis , they arrive at classifications of the basic purposes for which language can be used ( see e.g. Searle , 1976 ) .
18 Erm they wo n't all have been mentioned in in the brochure because we 've introduced one or two in the last erm year or so .
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