Example sentences of "been [verb] [adv prt] all " in BNC.

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1 When they have been eating out all the time they have been away , and are longing for an evening at home , the suggestion does not go down well .
2 The pressure which had been building up all weekend was nearing some sort of explosion .
3 Although some have done this display before , the tension 's been building up all week .
4 Tension 's been building up all week .
5 So the pair of them have probably been mulling over all the old grievances — in their minds , if not openly . ’
6 ‘ We 've been walking around all night .
7 Who 's been tearing up all the newspaper that the wet wellies were on ?
8 The part of the city through which they were walking reminded Zen of Venice , but a Venice brutally fractured , as though each canal were a geological fault and the houses to either side had taken a plunge or been wrenched up all askew and left to tumble back on themselves , throwing out buttresses and retaining walls for support as best they could .
9 I 'd been looking down all the time we were talking , but he made me look up then , and our eyes met and I know something passed between us .
10 We 've been prowling around all day on a level with earthworms and rusty , broken down appliances , pressing our ears against the hot wooden trapdoor to the cellar and hearing the silence of ghosts .
11 The double volume , Ogwen & Carneddau , will hopefully be in the shops by Easter ; Llanberis , at the time of writing , has much of the text complete , thanks to Iwan Arfon Jones , and Paul Williams has been rounding up all the loose ends .
12 We have been written off all season , but we must keep believing . ’
13 ‘ I 've been waking up all night every night covered in sweat , just the whole bed dripping in it .
14 I 'd been going round all morning and never seen him .
15 ‘ You see , ’ said Mahmoud , ‘ we 've been assuming somebody is helping him and we 've been going round all his contacts .
16 Are people going to have to take a medical before they can go down a street they have been going down all their lives ? ’
17 Apparently this person 's been going out all hours of the day and night . ’
18 On Saturday , he had been tied up all day in the stable , but had taken a walk round the Broad over the lunch hour .
19 The Old Stager was on to a theme which he had clearly been bottling up all season .
20 Sara Campbell , curator of the Norton Simon Museum , which owns the complete modèle set of sculptures , has for many years been tracking down all the known casts of Degas ' bronzes and plans to publish the most up-to-date , though necessarily incomplete , account of the status quo .
21 If they 'd been brought up all , all girls maybe their fiction would have been different .
22 pounds for that griddle there 's so and so 's money and there 's the money for the flowers all in these little bags of money , been counting out all this money and they got home seven o'clock that night and he was then do n't know where he was going with me erm but they piles in the car all three of them the girls have got ta have a shower so they stayed there and er ooh I know where they was going !
23 Spring is also the ideal time to do all those jobs you have been putting off all winter .
24 And finally we return you to America to party on down with those incredibly nice chaps from TEENAGE FAN CLUB , who have been winning over all and sundry with their boyish charm , roguish antics and , occasionally , pop music .
25 I 've been knuckling down all the time .
26 This has been switched on all afternoon and left flat .
27 She went over to the pool and found the book on a table , damp from having been left out all night among towels and goggles , sunglasses , an old Daily Telegraph and the girls ' bikini bottoms .
28 He might have been watching over all of them for a century .
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