Example sentences of "been [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hastings Borough Council had been pursuing compulsory purchase of the building but , in the light of surveyors ' reports apparently quoting costs of £2.5 million for repairs alone , made a last-minute decision against this and served a Dangerous Structures Notice instead .
2 Neville had been to see Private Eye , and its staff had been courteous , but faintly aloof .
3 SHe 'd been charting possible escape routes for a while now , the main reason for not taking advantage of them being a certain concurrence with Jahsaxa 's opinion that blackouts could occur on the street .
4 In a lengthy communiqué , regarded by observers as a carefully crafted compromise between United States pressures to boost growth and German determination to control inflation , ministers observed that " forces that have been inhibiting economic activity in many countries are dissipating " .
5 As you know , Piper , the staff at the Commando Camp have been accepting free board and lodgings at my Police Station for some time now , especially when they miss the last transport back to camp . ’
6 In China they 've been eating mouldering cabbage for aeons and it gives them cancer of the oesophagus .
7 We are ready , we 've been eating raw meat and some of us can still move which is a major bonus to us
8 The Midlanders have been eating humble pie this season , though they deserve better fare .
9 However , some canny high-yield managers have been targeting blue chip convertibles as a way of locking in income , limiting the short-term threat and yet keeping the door open to future capital appreciation .
10 The traditional role of mother and baby units in psychiatry has been to treat acute postpartum mental illness without separating the mother from the infant .
11 Who would be dropped , if anybody , for Michael O'Neill ( Hibernian ) has also been producing consistent form since his transfer from Dundee Utd .
12 Europress Software have been producing educational software for many years with their best selling ‘ Fun School ’ series .
13 Because Britain had been producing nuclear power longer than most other countries , this was a particularly acute problem .
14 In The Art Newspaper No. 16 March 1992 p. 6 we published the fears of some art historians that this exhibition might have been infiltrated by fakes ; in the event these fears have proved to be groundless and the show has been enjoying great success .
15 He 's been enjoying terrific sport with bream to 3.5lb and tench to 3lb on the Plex Lane stretch .
16 One-colour borders have been enjoying renewed popularity recently , and Mr Fothergill 's Seeds has come up with the perfect quick answer to monochrome gardening .
17 Even in 1981 it could be claimed that those who held a " strongly anti-progressive , pro-standards line had been enjoying increasing credibility and increasingly strident support from most of the popular press " ( Dale et al.
18 It has been enjoying spectacular growth for its sales of the super absorbent polymers which make nappies that much more comfortable .
19 Unknown or overlooked by most museum professionals , a series of major international art exhibitions has been enjoying unusual success in the Tennessee capital .
20 By a notice of motion dated 14 February 1992 the local authority appealed against those parts of the order which directed that there should be no contact between the father and the girl until after the local authority review and that there should be supervised contact between the girl and her half-sister , on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to invite the parties to comment on the agreed proposals for contact ; ( 2 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to indicate to the parties the nature of the orders for contact which they proposed to make , thereby depriving the parties of the opportunity to make submissions relating to those proposals ; ( 3 ) the justices had wrongly exercised their discretion in authorising the local authority to refuse contact to the girl by the father for only six months when they had found as a fact , inter alia , that the father had abused the girl over a period of at least 18 months ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to impose the condition of supervision on contact between the girl and her half-sister when there had been no application for such contact to be supervised , the evidence was that the half-sister had been enjoying unsupervised contact and that there was no evidence that there was any risk of the girl coming into contact with her father while having contact with her half-sister , and the justices had heard evidence that the local authority were considering placing the girl with her half-sister and by their order they had precluded the local authority from making such a placement and had fettered the discretion of the local authority ; and ( 5 ) the order was therefore contrary to the girl 's best interests .
21 ( Common safety standards for engineering products had been given final approval by the Council on June 14 . )
22 The bill had been introduced on May 30 , 1991 , and had been given final House of Commons approval on Nov. 7 .
23 The activities of building societies and banks have been given prime consideration when assessing the appropriate definition of money and the problem of implementation of monetary control ( Bank of England , Dec. 1984 ) .
24 The only sane response to a complaint in some circumstances is a firm ‘ no ’ but it is important that the complaint is seen to have been given serious consideration and that those that have complained are not made to feel foolish .
25 One example of an hypothesis which has been given serious attention in recent years is the possible link between electromagnetic fields generated by high-voltage power lines or supply cables and ill health .
26 In the delicate balance between trust and accountability , an Area Secretary should be confident that her/his report will always be acknowledged on the basis of its having been given serious attention .
27 The Bill has been given extensive consideration in another place — a total of about 65 hours , including four days in Committee and three days on Report .
28 In this Special Reference Feature a chronology outlines the key events leading to unification and cross refers to articles in the monthly News Digest section where developments have been given extensive coverage .
29 There could hardly be a more serious accusation than these particular killings and they had been given renewed publicity by the secretary of state 's broadcast of only four weeks earlier .
30 Campaigners , calling for the convictions of Tony Poole and Gary Mills to be quashed have been given renewed hope after Gloucester MP Douglas French , met with Home Office officials .
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