Example sentences of "been [verb] [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 The transistor transformed the portable radio , cul-minating in the spectacle — bizarre if it had been witnessed 20 years earlier — of people going around with earphones and Walkmans .
2 A 24 year old woman had been diagnosed five years previously and had persistent abdominal pain , diarrhoea , and ill health despite repeated courses of steroids .
3 His action was popularly resented as a poor show of gratitude for the benefit he had been given two years before .
4 You have been given two years not only to investigate historical thinking and knowledge but also to practise the dynamic process of essay writing .
5 And the new operators , who 're all local businessmen , have been given 5 years on a new lease to make it a success .
6 Another , a regular visitor to the Undercroft , presented a model of the King of Siam 's Royal barge , which she had been given 40 years ago , after service in our Bangkok Embassy .
7 Over the mince pies and wine we learned that the Bala band had been formed many years before and had faithful musicians and followers .
8 Arrese got together a study-group of hard-line Falangists , whose mission was to draft four documents : a new version of the Party Statutes , which had last been revised seventeen years earlier , in August 1939 ; a law of the Fundamental Principles of the State , which was to encapsulate the basic tenets of Francoism ; a law of the Movement , which was to give legal form to the distinction between " the Party " , FET y de las JONS , as a clearly delimited group of political activists , and " the Movement " , which encompassed all those who actively or passively subscribed to the values which inspired Francoism ; and an Organizational Law of the Government , which was to lay down ground-rules for the legislative and executive powers of the government .
9 To date this operation seems to be free of cancer risk although one case of cancer has been reported seven years after operation .
10 In Russia that introduced in 1859 had been sat two years later by a mere five candidates in all .
11 the possession of the motor car was just becoming the norm , but the town had been designed fifteen years earlier
12 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
13 The flats had been built ten years earlier and showed wear badly .
14 They still have n't been regraded five years later .
15 Andrew Warren , the director of the Association for Energy Conservation , commented that the document contained no new ideas and " could have been written several years ago " .
16 If this book had been written twenty years ago it would have been unlikely to contain any discussion of bias in the language of academic work .
17 There was a lot of stuff in there I did n't understand , such as ‘ MM ’ and ‘ TT ’ and ‘ JS ’ , mostly in the form of cryptic notes after a company name , though even I worked out that ‘ BB ’ meant Big Bang , when the City had been deregulated two years before .
18 It had been seen nine years before at Kangaroo island and in 1840 came to us in thousands — running about the streets and Gardens and into the houses as if it had never seen man before .
19 A man who has had a lot of success in a relatively short space of time — he has been training 15 years — Homer Scott has already had a Liverpool winner .
20 ‘ I 'm now going through what I experienced at Rosyth , except that Eastern Electricity had been privatised three years before I joined whereas the dockyard was contractorised only a month before . ’
21 The hypothesis of the asylum founders , that cure could be achieved through placement in a segregated and controlled environment , had been nullified many years before .
22 Joshua Marshall had been the parking-bay attendant ever since the apartment block had been opened eighteen years earlier .
23 Drill , he had been told thirty years ago , is a curious aspect of training .
24 Not after she 's been waiting 200 years to get her hands on the last of the Gittels .
25 You have n't been waiting six years , Luke . ’
26 and they say I 've been waiting seventeen years for this pollack , or having your tooth out or having your tonsils extracted
27 He has been waiting two years for a donor and carries a bleeper everywhere — waiting for the call telling him one has been found at last .
28 World War 1 veteran Mr Brownbill has been waiting two years to see if his application for a house renovation grant would be successful .
29 World War I veteran Mr Brownbill has been waiting two years to see if his application for a house renovation grant would be successful .
30 The ultimate answer used to be a move to the former East Germany , where some would-be subscribers had reportedly been waiting 23 years to have a telephone installed .
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