Example sentences of "been [v-ing] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime he had been pursuing a policy of rationalizing the trade by buying patent and grain distillery businesses that were in difficulty , collaborating closely with the large blending houses .
2 ‘ This Government has been pursuing an energy strategy that was wrong in conception and incompetent in execution . ’
3 If the patient has been seeing a physiotherapist privately , it still may be necessary to involve a second , specialist physiotherapist , if the patient stops progressing .
4 The first thing I learnt more or less was thkarni which means — well she said it meant — this white stork we 've been seeing a lot of .
5 The girl had been seeing a lot of another young man , an estate agent called Jose , and that association continued after the marriage — long after !
6 By sending permanent representatives to the courts of Europe the Ottomans would have been accepting a kind of regular and established contact with the west which denied their most deeply held assumptions , which implied an at least partial renunciation of the inherent superiority to the Christian world which they claimed , and which for a surprisingly long time , even after the balance of military strength had turned decisively against them , seemed to almost all of them unnecessary and to promise no real advantage .
7 She 's been eating a seagull .
8 Somebody 's been eating a lot of those have n't they ?
9 I said somebody 's been eating a lot of those .
10 In the morning , I slept through the pigeons , but around 8.30 a loud banging started down in the nave like they might have been building a scaffold or something .
11 While state-owned and foreign businesses have held the centre of the stage for three decades , tens of thousands of informal sector artisans have been producing a range of goods for use in households , agriculture , transport and construction .
12 Well I I think er it 's it 's quite hard to talk about it but er cer I th I think people were grieved that the bonus system that had been going since the quarry was started up again by 's father was gon na be scrapped with really no consultation with the workers if you like , and I think everybody thought that you know we 'd been producing a lot of slate and been paid well for it previously and he should leave well alone .
13 The style of the Victorian era has been enjoying a revival , first with the conservatory and now reproduction cloches .
14 Wildlife enthusiasts have been enjoying a treat tonight .
15 One of the largest Polish communities in Britain has been enjoying a style of dancing seldom seen outside its homeland .
16 Mr Dunn is believed to have been enjoying a morning 's fun in the spring sunshine .
17 The importance of being able to reciprocate gifts in kind is also illustrated by case study data from Pahl 's study on household work strategies on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent , in which one man who was long-term unemployed had been helping an uncle to decorate his house , and how the uncle then gave him a large piece of meat .
18 NOBODY really noticed , but Neil Kinnock has been nursing a chest cold .
19 Redknapp added : ‘ The fans did n't realise I had been nursing a groin strain .
20 I had n't been thinking of stress or shock , I 'd been nursing a hangover .
21 Musician to the end , he died through insisting on conducting a new revival of Castor et Pollux when he should have been nursing an illness .
22 Had n't Clare been repairing a greenhouse when she fell ?
23 She frequently made use of Coptic craftsmen and one of them , a leather-worker , who had been repairing a handbag she was particularly fond of , was bringing it to her flat with his small son when he was attacked by a gang of youths .
24 Yes , yes , but erm , you know , I have had to say to the chaps , one of them came in and he said he 'd been spoiled down at the cedar and I said oh well , I , I 've been cooking a breakfast for Neil of course by the operation of sods law , Neil suddenly goes off the idea of having breakfast , so I find myself cooking breakfast for this other lump , who is as idol and selfish as anybody ever met in all the born days , and I said to him just recently , I said , I , I ca n't get up and do breakfast 's in the morning any more , well he says he come 's down and does he 's own , you see they can when they feel that they want too .
25 If any one of us had been touching a wall above ground we 'd have been part of the bloody architecture by now . ’
26 Communist Party of the Philippines — Marxist-Leninist ( CPP-ML , split from the pro-Soviet PKP in 1968 , Benito Tiamzon ch. , Saturnino Ocampo gen. sec. ) — the CCP-ML 's military wing , the New People 's Army ( NPA ) , has been waging a guerrilla war since 1969 ; Grand Alliance for Democracy ( GAD , established in 1987 to co-ordinate the anti-Aquino opposition in the legislative elections , the GAD included the Mindanao Alliance , Nacionalista Party , Social Democratic Party and the Kalaw wing of the Liberal Party , Juan Ponce Enrile pres . ) ;
27 The last few years her mother had been waging a war on all vermin , including bed bugs .
28 I mean that people like , you know , have said that the British secret intelligence have been have been doing now for a quite long time have been waging a sort of undercover war and er I 'm sure some of it 's true
29 Teachers , with a professional nose for the job had been handling a range of social issues , especially under the general heading of PSE ( Personal and Social Education ) .
30 We could learn much from CPRE which has been administering a Campaign Fund for this purpose for a few years .
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