Example sentences of "been [vb pp] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were , there are : they have simply been hidden from history .
2 All the broken down buildings have gone , existing businesses have been hidden from 125mph prying eyes and replaced with pleasant trees and shrubs .
3 For Piaget , this indicates that the infant still thinks in terms of ‘ making ’ or ‘ materialising ’ objects through action , rather than ‘ discovering ’ objects which have simply been hidden from view .
4 The humiliating financial dependence on his parents , a fact of life ever since he had been dismissed from Goupil 's , was being gradually shifted on to Theo , who would soon find himself shouldering the whole burden .
5 Cognitive behaviour is not reducible to simple sequences of contingencies of reinforcement but instead reflects goal-seeking activities , hypothesis making and many other features which had hitherto been dismissed from consideration within the Anglo-American tradition in psychology .
6 Having been dismissed from parade , the children race downstairs to where the Rangers ' 22 horses and Ponies are housed in splendour .
7 Just over a year after he had been dismissed from Oscott ( 1888 ) , Rolfe entered Scots College , Rome , in December 1889 .
8 She knew she had been dismissed from Algox because she had not been up for grabs .
9 If accountability had been enhanced , profligate councillors would have been dismissed from office and replaced by more prudent ones .
10 The former Romanian regions of Bessarabia and northern Bukovina had been annexed from Romania in June 1940 in the course of the Soviet advance against the pro-German troops of the Romanian government , and after 1947 they had become the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic ; in practice , the dispute was much older , dating back to Russia 's liberation of the region from Turkish rule in the early 19th century .
11 Both had been flown from Tangmere while undertaking their world air speed record runs in 1946 and 1953 respectively .
12 Earlier in the month 806 Squadron 's three remaining serviceable Fulmars had been flown from Malta to Egypt via El Adem , each aircraft carrying three aircrew ; the ground party sailed for the same destination in a destroyer .
13 The signature of the agreement had been delayed from December 1989 , partly over the question of East German access to the Schengen area , it being finally agreed that border controls would apply only at East Germany 's borders with Poland and Czechoslovakia and not at the existing inter-German border .
14 It was agreed that 75 per cent of the Italian government 's credits to the former Soviet Union granted in 1990 , which had been delayed from December [ see p. 38656 ] , would go to Russia .
15 Flaubert , on his way up the Nile in 1850 , found Esna much enlivened by the presence of ulmeh , literally " learned women " , prostitutes who had been banished from Cairo by Muhammad Ali some years before .
16 In the marble version the struts have been banished from sight by designing the statue to be seen from a restricted viewpoint .
17 In January 1326 Isabella wrote to Bishop Stratford , now back in England , indicating that she would not return until both Despensers had been banished from court .
18 The voice of Gerry Adams , who arrived a little later on the scene , has been banished from television , but he is alive .
19 Little has been heard from Rodney Bickerstaffe of NUPE and Jimmy Knapp of the rail union .
20 Less has been heard from mothers for many of whom maintenance is their only chance of getting off benefit .
21 That is the litany which has been heard from solicitors throughout Scotland over the past months — from the spacious offices of the big city firms to the modest surroundings of rural practices .
22 So little has been heard from Steve Chen 's Supercomputer Systems Inc in the past couple of years that people have been wondering if the company still existed .
23 The paper is much more tentative because some of it is based on evidence which has not always been gathered from studies designed specifically to elicit people 's conceptions in the mind .
24 We found a similar trend in a previous study in Hertfordshire , the only other study in which a group of people has been traced from birth to death .
25 It was only recently that a police presence had been withdrawn from No. 22 after the Pitt deaths .
26 Soviet advisers have been withdrawn from Dese and Kombolcha .
27 Russian Interior Ministry forces had been withdrawn from South Ossetia on April 26 , 1992 .
28 All Allied regular forces had been withdrawn from Java and Sumatra , but guerrilla operations continued in Portuguese eastern Timor until early in 1943 .
29 Funding has been withdrawn from Bristol and other similar therapeutic centres , and immense harm has been done to what was perceived as a growing trust and co-operation between alternative and orthodox medicine .
30 At time of compiling , the locomotive is based at Immingham depot on Humberside , having been withdrawn from BR capital stock .
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