Example sentences of "been [vb pp] over in " in BNC.

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1 Though the morale of the Party faithful had been temporarily resuscitated by Hitler 's rhetoric , it is clear that rhetoric alone was no longer sufficient to restore the confidence of the considerable sections of the population who had only superficially been won over in previous years by the magnitude of Hitler 's seemingly undeniable ‘ achievements ’ and who had suffered irreversible disillusionment since 1941–2 .
2 Iago 's first stated reason for hating his master is that he has been passed over in favour of ‘ a great arithmetician ’ , a ‘ counter-caster ’ , Michael Cassio ( Othello , I.i.19–31 ) .
3 The argument was not without precedent : in 1316 Louis X 's daughter Jeanne had been passed over in favour of his brother Philip V , and Philip 's own daughters had been excluded in 1321 in favour of his youngest brother , Charles IV .
4 When his father raised the question of who should inherit the estate after him , and whether he should choose ‘ heirs general ’ , that is to say , include females in the vexed question — in an earlier generation , four sisters had been passed over in favour of a Boswell nephew — Boswell consulted Johnson repeatedly , before the matter was resolved to Boswell 's general satisfaction .
5 The former Vice-President , A. K. M. Nurul Islam , protested at the summary manner of his dismissal on Aug. 13 ( see p. 36852 ) , while M. A. Matin resigned on the same day as Deputy Prime Minister and deputy parliamentary leader claiming that he had been passed over in promotion to the post of Prime Minister .
6 The ‘ deterrent ’ compounds of many rain-forest plants are used ( and have been fought over in major wars ) by humans to flavour food , e.g. cinnamon ( bark of Cinnamomum verum , Lauraceae ) , tea ( alkaloids and tannin of Camellia sinensis , Theaceae ) leaves , ginger ( rhizome of Zingiber officinale , Zingiberaceae ) and seeds such as nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans , Myristicaceae ) , cardamom ( Elettaria cardamomum , Zingiberaceae ) , and coffee ( Coffea arabica , Rubiaceae ) , and cloves ( flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum , Myrtaceae ) .
7 To my dismay , the whole entrance to Clonmacnoise had been concreted over in a multi-lane car park that was almost totally empty .
8 Turkey Mill dates partly from the eighteenth century , having been taken over in 1740 by James Whatman , a name famous for high-quality papers , especially for artists .
9 It is true that certain measures of nationalisation had been undertaken in the first months of Soviet government — for example , the Merchant Marine had been taken over in January 1918 and the sugar industry nationalised in May of that year — but the main efforts had been directed towards a stabilisation and regularisation of the tottering economy on the existing basis of ownership .
10 There was danger , too , underfoot : the path had been ploughed over in many places and here and there were lumps of frozen earth covered with snow , and slippery .
11 Stone carvings and whimsies had been plastered over in the nineteenth century , but some had now been uncovered .
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