Example sentences of "been [vb pp] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone knows why the riots began : 27 years after the Watts rebellion , 12 years after Ronald Reagan took office , south central LA has been drained of jobs , services , and hope .
2 Pardy was right and he could n't prove handwriting , because the letter had been formed of scraps of newsprint in the classic way .
3 In a situation in which the Crown can only act on the advice of her ministers and where the Lords have been stripped of powers , the Commons is the pre-eminent part of Parliament .
4 The key to FABMS is the technique whereby atoms , having first been stripped of electrons to allow them to accelerate in a magnetic field , subsequently have their electrons replaced by passing through inert gases .
5 However , overloading of certain services remains a major problem , and reports have been received of passengers having to stand from Birmingham to Aberystwyth !
6 Constructed in a hexagon shape , it had been built of logs , now darkened with age .
7 As for the mentioned activity , an attempt must be made to understand it in a way consonant with what has been said of contents and objects , that they are not states of affairs or ordinary things , and also with a further fact , that there are various modes of consciousness .
8 He had resigned from his political offices in September 1990 [ see pp. 37719-20 ] after evidence had been uncovered of irregularities in the city budget and of personal tax evasion .
9 However , occasional use has been made of groups of voices ( e.g. all the sopranos ) singing together , supported by a quiet background of the other parts .
10 Use has been made of CAI for training at the Library of Congress in the use of the SCORPIO ( Subject Content Oriented Retriever for Processing Information Online ) and MUMS ( the Multiple-Use MARC System ) .
11 She realized that she was feeling it too , frozen to the marrow in this bitter East wind which kept whipping her cloak off her shoulders as contemptuously as if it had been made of pocket-handkerchieves instead of tablecloths , her stomach hollow and aching , her head feeling light and aching a little too .
12 While a number of useful studies have been made of changes in particular fields , there has been no detailed and comprehensive review of all the changing assumptions , policies and practices of the last 40 years .
13 That last bomb had taken out those houses as if it had come with a great grasping fist and scooped them up and crunched them into rubble as easily as if they 'd been made of matchsticks .
14 In writing the last line use has been made of identities such as which result from changing a repeated suffix , in this case .
15 Marland ( 1986 ) and Tickle ( 1987 ) point to the limited extent to which ethnographic study has been made of arts classrooms to enlighten knowledge of arts teachers ' practices .
16 Two studies have been made of police records relating to suspicions , one in the Lothian and Borders region in 1982 and the other in the Thames Valley in 1984 .
17 She 'd been robbed of words , had no speech to tell him to stop this glorious torture , could only groan deep in her throat as his questing fingers flickered over one nipple , bringing it to prominent life even through the material of her leotard .
18 But it is also worth noting that evidence has been found of burials and drainage channels that appears to be pre-date any of the recorded cathedral buildings , and it now looks as if the site has a longer ecclesiastical history than was thought . ’
19 State Department publications have been purged of references to CIA actions like setting up the coup that brought the Shah to power in Iran , and overthrowing a liberal government in Guatemala .
20 It was King Henry 's one great gesture against Glendower , and nothing had been spared of loans , and exhortations , and massing of stores , to ensure its success .
21 Where account has been taken of factors other than the judicial view on the requirements of retribution and deterrence in fixing the date , the date will be adjusted to bring it into line with the judicial view .
22 Critics also argue that little account has been taken of changes already forced on commercial broadcasting before legislation .
23 Several photographs have been taken of children attempting to cross the road but , due to the darkness of the morning , are not very distinct .
24 It was later revealed that Mr Argles had employed a boy who had been convicted of offences against young children .
25 For the sake of completeness I would add that the Hammonds have been convicted of offences of dishonesty arising out of their financial arrangements with the building society and that a bankruptcy order has been made against Mr. Hammond .
26 Well we actually take men who have been convicted of offences involving domestic violence
27 In June 1989 the government refused to grant the fundamentalist Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) legal recognition as a political party , on the grounds that by law founders and leaders of parties must not have been convicted of offences warranting more than three months ' imprisonment or six months ' suspended sentence ; 15 Nahdah leaders , although at liberty , still had current convictions dating from September 1987 ( see p. 36633 ) .
28 While there is no reason why local authorities should not keep a list of known offenders in the area who have been convicted of offences against children , they should not keep a blacklist of those suspected but not convicted of such offences ( R v Norfolk County Council , ex pM [ 1989 ] FCR 667 ) .
29 Bilzerian had been convicted of securities fraud by a federal jury in New York on June 9 , following evidence from Boyd Jefferies , a Los Angeles stockbroker convicted for securities fraud in the Ivan Boesky affair [ see pp. 36017-18 ] , who had been fined $250,000 and placed on probation for five years in July 1989 .
30 On either side of this a further half metre has been cleared of obstacles which could catch and upset a cyclist riding near the edge of the track .
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