Example sentences of "have [been] set up " in BNC.

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1 Since the late 1970s management boards have been set up consisting of three diocesan nominees , including normally the parish priest , two parents , and the head teacher .
2 Various marketing opportunities have been set up recently by ACE including Christmas Cards and a holiday scheme .
3 New services for adult survivors of sexual abuse have been set up .
4 So far 23 have been set up , 17 involving academy institutes .
5 Illegal arms and bomb factories have been set up in many parts of northern India to fuel the conflicts .
6 Responding to other free-trade zones that have been set up in the region , Bolivia , Colombia , Venezuela , Peru and Ecuador will progressively reduce tariffs and other regional trade barriers .
7 The first ‘ tent cities ’ for a few thousand people have been set up in the plain near Zakho .
8 We were able to visit two of the eight cooperatives that have been set up so far .
9 Firms that have employed women in this way are , for example , the American concerns , the maquiladoras , that have been set up in northern Mexico near the US border .
10 In some areas , ‘ truancy patrols ’ have been set up , consisting of teams of usually two persons ( an education welfare officer ( EWO ) and a police officer ) who question youngsters who look as though they should be at school .
11 The case of Operation Food Production launched in 1980 is such an example , where enormous state farms have been set up to solve the ‘ food problem ’ once and for all .
12 Indeed , special clubs have been set up which concentrate entirely on mountain rescue .
13 The board have been set up by the Countryside Commission , West and East Sussex Country Councils and the 11 borough and district councils in the area .
14 Another common advance ordering practice is that of selecting books a few months before publication , after scrutiny of information provided by library suppliers or ( in the case of academic libraries ) by specialized alerting services which have been set up for this purpose .
15 A number of working groups have been set up by the Council to look at these matters , but the truth is that the whole curriculum approach is rendered horrendously difficult by the subject structure and by the inevitable fact that the various subject working party reports are coming on stream over a period of at least four to five years .
16 To implement these strategies new institutions have been set up , but these are also diverse .
17 Vast initial and refresher training programmes have been set up .
18 Research sections have been set up at the Institutes of Education in Kenya and Sierra Leone and there have been important regional conferences on educational evaluation ( at Dar es Salaam in April 1975 ) and on the growth of scientific and mathematical concepts in East African children ( Nairobi , September 1974 ) .
19 Through the development of disused buildings on the refinery site and a £500,000 loan fund , 170 small businesses have been set up in the area , employing 1,200 local people .
20 Various schemes have been set up in Britain to improve this figure .
21 In the other parts of the country where UDCs have been set up , prominent UDC Board members are quick to reassure local people that ‘ we do n't want a Docklands here ’ .
22 So the new ‘ black sections ’ of the party that have been set up will include Bangladeshis , Pakistanis , West Indians , Indians , and presumably Chinese .
23 Police sources said the use of bombs little heavier than a packet of butter could herald a new tactic aimed at beating the roadblocks that have been set up in London for the first time .
24 Executive Job Clubs have been set up , but for many they are havens of retreat where preconceptions can be themselves an obstacle to the need for change .
25 Some companies have been set up and others reformed to offer an alternative to the limited liability structure , for example the John Lewis Partnership , the Scott Bader Co .
26 Road checks have been set up , and police dogs are being used in the hunt .
27 There has also been a high incidence of murder following rape.Allegations have to be handled with care , but there is clear evidence that rape camps have been set up .
28 A number of experiments have been set up to try to establish a satisfactory method of appraisal .
29 Merton is the second of two major ventures in the recruiting business which have been set up by entrepreneurial Michael Silverman .
30 To bypass ministerial demarcation lines , several territorial production complexes have been set up .
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