Example sentences of "have [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Even when you have to post the shoes , if you leave your phone number , they 'll get in touch if there are any queries or proposals .
2 Not only are they usually paid below the legal minimum — a study in 1984 showed three quarters of homeworkers in Britain were earning 1 or less an hour — but they also have to carry the overheads of heating and lighting .
3 Now we have to accommodate the tastes of partners of immediate family as well as our own offspring , so choice is careful indeed .
4 Entities have to support the events that occur in the enterprise .
5 ‘ I have to signal the police at regular intervals that I 'm OK , ’ she continued lying .
6 We have to kill the dolphins because they eat our fish .
7 When we have to compare the values of numbers it is important to know which has the greatest , and which has the least value .
8 IT IS with deep regret that we have to report the deaths of the following :
9 IT is with deep regret that we have to report the deaths of the following :
10 It is with deep regret that we have to report the deaths of the following :
11 It is with deep regret that we have to report the deaths of the following :
12 It should be noted that existing equipment , in use before 1 January 1993 , will not , in general , have to meet the requirements until 1 January 1997 .
13 I suppose in that context we should be grateful that ministers have not used the power that they have to modify the recommendations of the boundary committees .
14 ‘ Parents have to establish the limits beyond which their children should not tread , ’ Mrs Bottomley told a news conference organised by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children .
15 To be acceptable in the public domain of language use ( official documents , the TV News ) feminist innovations have to pass the gatekeepers .
16 Because persuading people to be unpaid referees is difficult it could be argued that editors have to pass the comments on .
17 We have to accept the disciplines and the degree of awareness and honesty required .
18 You have to accept the lecturers you find in the college you attend — hardly an original thought but nevertheless an illuminating and sobering one .
19 ‘ If your conduct is considered by your peers to be unacceptable , you have to accept the consequences . ’
20 I , of course , have to accept the decisions of the Court of Appeal as binding on me , whatever I or others may think of them .
21 Young people away from home for the first time also have to find the resources within themselves to create a pattern of living .
22 As you can see , it is n't just a case of opening a wicker basket and saying ‘ shoo , like releasing racing pigeons : you have to find the owls a home .
23 The plans are passed , but we still have to find the funds and the effort to do this job to the high standard of the existing museum .
24 Just as we , in our writing , have to find the words that fit what we are trying to express , the most appropriate words , so the characters in a story , novel or poem also have to discover the language that is fitting .
25 ‘ But if you get the wrong cues , you have to adjust the lines to make sense of the dialogue . ’
26 Alternatively , you have to adjust the features of your tapwater to the requirements of the fish you choose .
27 I am convinced congress , however , that there will be sporadic industrial action throughout the summer if the employers do not change their stance and it 's my view that we have to restart the talks .
28 He says they have to guess the timings to fit with the orchestra .
29 The people just have to trust the administrators at a certain point , rather than trying to er second guess all of their decisions .
30 We have to trust the districts can trust the county the county can trust the districts and that in practice they would make this work at local plan level .
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