Example sentences of "have [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , the consumers themselves and some of the organisations which represent them have fallen into the trap of confusing short-term expediencies with long-term solutions and now find that this focus on concessions may have actually distorted the argument for a decent income in later life .
2 So often we have fallen into the trap of jealousy because we have judged other people , or even ourselves or our situation .
3 If there is a danger that we have fallen into the trap of vocationalising education let me emphasise that we must actively encourage the development of intellectual curiosity and imagination by exploration in fields , however theoretically abstract — in science , maths , humanities , the arts or any sphere that captures students ' interests ; education has suffered as much from failure to excite interest in the world of ideas as failure to prepare for practicalities of daily living .
4 Millward Brown use their own proprietary system of analysis — a form of mathematical modelling — to translate the data for each individual brand into a so-called ‘ awareness index ’ ; and many of their clients have fallen into the tempting habit of using this single number as a measure of the effectiveness of a commercial or campaign , rather than taking the trouble to make a more detailed study of the data underlying the index .
5 Villagers have fallen into the role of waiting for the nurse to cure their sicknesses , the agricultural extension worker to apply the latest gardening technique and government officers to inform them on political developments .
6 What will happen then to the objects , including possible spaceships , that have fallen into the black hole ?
7 The number of particles in the baby universe will be equal to the number of particles that have fallen into the black hole , plus the number of particles that the black hole emits during its evaporation .
8 ‘ You have fallen into the common error , ’ she said .
9 And for all that , I have fallen into the hands of the Robemaker , he thought angrily .
10 THE TRUE ORIGINS of aromatherapy have evaporated into the mists of time .
11 Simon Watney , in particular I would n't wish to denigrate , but clearly other people have jumped into the AIDS industry .
12 Javed Miandad 's team have developed into the most powerful combination on the international scene in any form of the game .
13 Scattered amongst the infinite variety of trees and plants are picturesque villages whose white-walled cottages have blended into the light-coloured landscape to give Ibiza the nickname ‘ La Isla Blanca ’ — The White Island .
14 And that 's why this is traditionally the area where British bikers have broken into the world of continental racing .
15 Geldart drools with enthusiasm when he speaks of some of the players who have broken into the first team or are on the verge .
16 Thieves have broken into the kitchens at King James I Comprehensive School in Bishop Auckland , police said .
17 Muhammad Ali , Larry Holmes and soon no doubt George Foreman have shuffled into the ring like men with begging bowls , the clinking coin of television revenues their nursemaid .
18 Two more ‘ picture books ’ have flown into the FlyPast office recently .
19 NCA have looked into the possibility of re-engining the Caribou with turboprops , probably the P&W PT-6 , but consider that this would increase the purchase price of the airframe , which is a decided attraction at present .
20 Wrong ‘ Banks and industrialists who have looked into the future know it does not work on present policies .
21 I have looked into the shadows which are not yet realities .
22 Er , Madam Speaker I 'm very much aware of the case that the my honourable friend has er mentioned because he has written to me er about it and I have looked into the circumstances er of it and I understand that the employment service have made no final decision on that particular site and I 'd be happy to respond to my honourable friend er once I 've had a chance to discuss it further with the Chief Executive of the employment service whose responsibility it is but if I could just say to my honourable friend the principle of integrating er the work of the job centre and the payment of benefits on one site is a good one which is for the convenience of er people who make use of the job centres er and er as er er the honourable er gentleman , the member for Workington is indicating from a sedentary position , was a recommendation which was supported by the public accounts er committee and I believe and I believe that it er makes sense to proceed on a value for money basis with this policy but I will certainly look at the particular example in my honourable friend 's constituency with interest .
23 Herefordshire Friends of the Earth have looked into the Green Cone Scheme … and given them a guarded welcome :
24 Since then the homes of several well-known authors have come into the Trust 's care .
25 It was suggested that this policy " be continued and issued to all concerned as AFHQ policy in the following form " : ( a ) No Jugoslavs , who are ( 1 ) Supporters of Mihailovitch ( Chetniks ) ( 2 ) Supporters of Nedic … ( 3 ) Croats ( 4 ) Slovenes ( 5 ) Miscellaneous refugees and dissident civilians , including women and children who have come into the hands of Allied troops will be returned to Jugoslavia .
26 No Yugoslavs who have come into the hands of Allied Troops will be returned direct to Yugoslavia or handed over to Yugoslav Tps against their will .
27 Five days earlier , on 22 May , it will be recalled , a discussion had taken place in G-5 at AFHQ on the " Disposition of Displaced Persons etc in N Italy and Austria " which had concluded that " no Jugoslavs … who have come into the hands of Allied troops will be returned to Jugoslavia against their will " .
28 The emphasis here is again clearly different to that of the AFHQ conclusion on 22 May that " no Jugoslavs … who have come into the hands of Allied troops will be returned to Jugoslavia against their will " .
29 Possibly this was not the intention of Parliament for " restored " seems inappropriate to describe the situation where goods have come into the police 's possession .
30 Erm , and Penguin U S again have er , made a good start and the one area , David can talk about this better than I , but the one area that er , where there is an upturning in business activity and mo promise have come into the U S A.
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