Example sentences of "have [vb pp] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although the number of accidents involving specific road user groups is small , the indications are that the benefits have fallen to pedestrians , particularly children , and cyclists .
2 Some of my theories have fallen to pieces , including the nine-nation European Common Market being the ten-horned beast , with the Vatican , of course , being the tenth state .
3 In defining and distinguishing crime and deviance we have referred to rules , laws and norms , and to behaviour which does not follow them .
4 Few books dealing with education for special needs have referred to governors .
5 So far , we have discussed futures contracts in general terms and have referred to contracts being defined in terms of ‘ goods ’ .
6 We have referred to promises and understandings given in the European context .
7 Other recent developments have pointed to changes of philosophy .
8 In a deprived area of Slough there is a school where we have explained to children the importance of blood pressure monitoring at an early age .
9 I have explained to pupils that I do not know ‘ the answer ’ and so I can share the excitement of working out a problem with them .
10 notes of all the answers you have received to questions about pay and conditions of work ;
11 and people who have responded to circulars that they 've just sent out .
12 And we 've got a list of people who have responded to telesales offers for ambient music compilation albums — about three thousand on that one …
13 The Tories have responded to calls for unity and fallen in behind John Major .
14 The authorities have responded to complaints of increasing truancy with legislation apparently strict but in practice almost ineffective .
15 Certain models have dropped to prices that would have seemed inconceivable even in late 1991 .
16 First , it has dismissed a number of head teachers appointed by the Sandinistas , and teachers who have objected to changes being made by the government have been transferred to other schools .
17 On the basis of the actuarial valuation the market value of the scheme assets in the Waterford Crystal factory scheme at 1 January 1993 was IR£32.0 million and this exceeded 100 per cent of the benefits that have accrued to members based on service to , and pensionable pay at the valuation date .
18 They have looked to relatives , and to mothers in particular , to credit agencies and to the social security system .
19 Since the 19th Century , Irish ‘ liberationists ’ have looked to quarries for their explosives and security has always been heavy ; several dozen soldiers , with two helicopters , back up a kernel of three RUC explosive experts .
20 It is often surprising to see just how close the water conditions in your aquaria or ponds have come to problems .
21 The genesis of BT must be reconstructed from contemporary documents Nietzsche 's plans and fragments , especially if datable , and correspondence After examining this evidence , we have come to conclusions that differ in certain respects from received opinion .
22 It 's about collison of cultures in Britain since the end of the war , and it looks at the way that some artists of non-British origin have come to terms with modern art — or , rather , have made a personal art by calling on ways of expression that might have been absolutely native to them in other countries than this .
23 It is more helpful to meet real people who have come to terms with their lives , than to wander around lost and alone in a maze of fantasies .
24 Through counselling I have come to terms with the fact that the world and the people in it are n't perfect , and nor am I.
25 The princess told them : ‘ I have come to terms with this relationship a long time ago .
26 There are real characters and lively action , and when you have come to terms with Jill Shilling 's special voice for the tinies , you appreciate her clarity and pace .
27 Meanwhile , it must be reiterated that we can not help others in their sexual problems until we have come to terms with our own .
28 We have come to terms with the fact that most of us have subtle differences which determine the strengths and weaknesses of our make-up .
29 Once the early shock is over , if girls have come to terms with being pregnant , there are a lot of enjoyable things about it , as many girls have found .
30 We know that many blessings have come to individuals and the whole parish through this devotion .
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