Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that my own children have rebelled properly and decently , and found their own paths .
2 If the council thinks that you have given away or used up savings in order to qualify for , or increase the amount of your benefit they can treat you as still having those savings .
3 But the trouble is Noel , in the meantime erm the Quakers have fallen apart because the Quakers have filled themselves up with sort of barefooted raw carrot eaters with beads
4 They have fallen fast and slowly .
5 House prices have fallen less and job losses have been a fraction of those in the rest of Britain .
6 The current downturn in the housing market has now lasted for three years — four in some parts of the south — and house prices have fallen further than at any time in modern UK history .
7 By almost any standards the poorer rural areas have fallen further and further behind ; young people have left and traditional industries have collapsed .
8 Strikes remained relatively large , but the numbers have fallen sharply and represent the lowest level of industrial conflict in the post-war years .
9 Opinions about timetabling motions have altered massively since I took over the chairmanship of the Select Committee on Procedure nearly nine years ago .
10 We have heard today that the gap has had to be filled by resources from relatives , from charitable organisations and , most appalling , from the meagre personal allowance available to people in residential homes .
11 ‘ I imagine you will think long and hard before concluding that doctors of the eminence we have heard here and others in that great profession have evolved standards that amount to committing crime . ’
12 Indeed , at the risk of causing offence , it must be said that in response to such a comment I have heard more than one distraught person say , with a puzzled look , ‘ is that a pub around here then ? ,
13 We have heard recently that Trafford is working on the same lines , so we will have to get a move on .
14 Not surprisingly , therefore , constitutional authorities eager for change have pondered long and hard , not so much on how to introduce a Bill of Rights or a restraining written constitution ( that , after all , could be effected by a simple Commons majority backed by the usual formality of assent by Crown and Lords ) but on how to ensure that such a new settlement sticks and lies safe beyond the repealing vote of yet another simple Commons majority .
15 The club draws their membership from both the guide and scout associations in North Hampshire and have taught more than 500 young people basic to advanced life saving skills over the past 21 years .
16 But the strikers who have fought over so many months with so much courage and strength have achieved another kind of victory — they have exposed once and for all the myth of the TUC 's solidarity with exploited workers and in the process of doing so they have redefined the methods and outlook of industrial struggle .
17 Mary and David have travelled extensively and enjoy meeting their guests , who hail from all quarters of the world .
18 ‘ We have travelled far and need good beds to sleep in and some food to eat . ’
19 Recently , however , the violent weather fronts have travelled further than normal and devastated parts of Britain .
20 Since then they have travelled more than 30,000 miles in Europe and Britain — and made it home only once .
21 Some young people will be seeking work at 16+ , some at 17+ and 18+ , and others not until they have completed further or higher education .
22 If you 're growing seedlings in biodegradable pots , simply remove the weakest plant of the pair in each pot when seeds leaves have developed strongly and true leaves are just visible .
23 Its treatment of each word is structured to show how the different meanings have developed historically and each meaning is illustrated by a bank of quotations from published works , arranged chronologically .
24 Many examples of good rehabilitation practice have developed simply because medical teams have seen obvious need : cardiac rehabilitation , or the support given to people on long-term dialysis or those who have undergone organ transplants , are a few examples .
25 The fact that women have decided to participate in the difficult but just struggle of El Salvador has meant that they have developed politically and ideologically and that there have been many changes in men 's attitudes , After the triumph , I believe these changes will become more apparent .
26 Since that time , CD-ROM capabilities have developed rapidly and both CD-ROM itself and other evolved forms of CD information media now look like being the single most important carriers of multimedia in the 1990s .
27 The great merit of our constitutional arrangements is that they have developed cautiously and case by case .
28 Scientists have been penetrating areas beyond human senses , and they have developed more and more devices to augment our senses in order that we may see into the heart of matter or reach the ends of the universe .
29 Consequently , from the authorities to which I have referred above and a number of decisions in other common law jurisdictions which we have been invited to consider , I have come to the conclusion that there is no difference in principle between a trading company and a non-trading corporation for the purposes of suing in tort , including the tort of defamation .
30 In Australia , only 1,600 Britons have registered even though two million retain British citizenship and up to a third are thought to qualify under the 20-year rule .
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