Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 It 's as , what I 'm looking for is that the people who tick it off as being okay know what they are looking for , and that maybe that it 's the right number of boxes , it might be it 's the right grade of paper , whatever it happens to be that , that , if they tick it to say it 's right , then that 's what , that they have checked in some way .
2 The numbers waiting two years have fallen by some 31 per cent .
3 Electricity prices have fallen by some 2 per cent .
4 I have heard of some stupid fashion details in my time , but this is the pits .
5 Indeed , I have heard of some anglers who deliberately attach a big hook to the ‘ feeder and catch plenty of barbel on it .
6 This is probably the most untrue statement I have heard in some time .
7 ‘ Kitty from Cork ’ sang as good a rendering ‘ Bless 'em all , ’ as she struggled with her shyness , as I have heard from some professionals .
8 I have listed below some books on pop-up techniques , if it is of any help to G.D .
9 Continuing nursing care , it 's important to stress here , that the continuing nursing care , the arrangements have relied to some extent on the use of joint finance to ensure that the Health Authority has been able to meet during the year the extra workload , and er , the budget settlement that they have , er , is actually being discussed at the moment with a view to the picking up some of those costs on a continuing basis .
10 Socially and psychologically women are brought up to care for relationships , to care for people , they want to do it well , where it goes wrong they tend to blame themselves , but equally we have eminent members of the judiciary who in the past have commented in some of the cases of severe assaults on women , the kind of er quote that you were making
11 Both the Inter-Regional Standing Committee for Art and Design Education ( IRSCADE ) and NATFHE have pressed for some form of national validation of foundation courses and the former organization , having collected views from the colleges offering the courses , has listed five future possibilities .
12 This is something for which my hon. Friends and I have pressed for some time .
13 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
14 The British Isles linger off the shores of continental Europe , uncertain whether to be apart or a part , and their cattle have developed to some degree in isolation but also with many strong two-way links with the cattle of the Continent .
15 Being island cattle , however , they have developed to some extent in isolation , especially on Jersey , a tiny island which has managed to breed a cow whose fame is worldwide , and with justice .
16 Another potential future LAN would be for Public Services and Publications , in view of the close functional links which have developed between some of their activities , and the need to minimise cost increases by sharing expensive hardware .
17 I have referred to some of the powerful speeches made by Opposition Members with particular constituency interests .
18 The word occurs twice in the present draft and I have explained in some detail why it is not acceptable on either occasion .
19 You must be content , therefore , with such a general description as I have received from some of the eunuchs .
20 So far , I have sketched in some of the contours of early educational debates and policy in the field of racism , culture and education and explored the way in which the problem of cultural and ethnic essentialism , in particular , has structured and indeed disfigured public debates and the production of relevant knowledge .
21 ‘ The constructors and team-managers have enjoyed for some years now such unrealistic power and influence , have commanded so much attention , they have begun to think of themselves and their cars as the stars .
22 So far in this book , we have looked at some of the more dangerous types of ‘ vehicle ’ used for inner-space exploration such as satanism , witchcraft , New Age paganism and occult magic .
23 We have looked at some of the types of jobs involved in retailing , and at the different sorts of shops you might work in .
24 I have looked at some of the reasons why people today can not ( or will not ) believe in him .
25 So far , we have looked at some of the features of four periods of structural change in the UK economy and some of the main developments in the international connections of the UK economy from the 1940s until the recent period of structural change .
26 So far we have looked at some of the main economic factors concerned with selling overseas .
27 Such inspections are theoretically repeated every two or three years , although I have come across some childminders who have not received a follow up visit for several years .
28 Having taught English Literature for a long time in universities , on both sides of the Atlantic , and having spent some years pondering the questions raised in this book , I have come to some very tentative conclusions about what might be done ; they are not , I might add , of the kind I thought I would come to when I began working on it .
29 I HAVE noticed for some time now that the Amnesty International Mandate has not been changed to include ‘ people imprisoned for their sexuality ’ .
30 Plans to re-open Lydney Town Station have met with some local opposition .
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