Example sentences of "have [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What news will Chancellor Norman Lamont have for the motorist when he rises in the House of Commons next Tuesday to deliver his budget speech ?
2 He frowned : ‘ I 've seen the unhealthy affection you have for the child .
3 I know perfectly well what responsibilities I have for the Home Office and for the actions of Home Office officials and the Minister who handled the case , and I know my own responsibility in this matter .
4 We should shortly know who the new owners of Showerings are and what plans they have for the company .
5 In Wimsatt 's definition irony is a ‘ cognitive principle which shades off through paradox into the general principle of metaphor ’ ( Wimsatt and Brooks 1957 : 747 ) ; according to Brooks , it is the ‘ most general term that we have for the kind of qualification which the various elements in a context receive from the context ’ ( Brooks 1949 : 191 ) .
6 We started off with er some introductions and er the introductions , you introduced yourself and we discussed the the objectives that the company have and also the objectives that you have for the course .
7 I get bored easily , so the only plan I have for the future is not to get comfortable with any one thing . ’
8 Make clear to your prospective employer any plans you have for the future , and make sure that the post you accept is appropriate to these .
9 When we talk of capitalism , we are concerned with a system which is based upon the need for what Weber calls ‘ forever renewed profit ’ through the selling of the worker 's labour power to the property-owning employer , and the consequences these socio-economic relationships have for the family .
10 In addition , questions of quality in the British context are particularly difficult to answer because of the complexity and range of services provided by the NHS and the wide-ranging but incomplete responsibilities health authorities have for the health of their populations .
11 The warmth of feeling many Garden visitors have for the place is greatly cherished by those of us who work in it , and we deeply appreciate the feelings of all who wish to be associated with our activities .
12 It is a vision that the citizens of Manchester have for the city 's future and their region . ’
13 As , as a matter of fact , my son you know those di things you have like you have for the television like a switch box ?
14 In addition to coping with the illness itself many sufferers also have to cope with the misconceptions other people have about the illness .
15 Might not St Paul or Thomas Aquinas raise an eyebrow at the idea that their views continue to be cited , given the knowledge which we now have about the origin of humankind or the biological relation of woman to man ? l6
16 You can select addresses from any information you have about the person ; you can include comments and notes and , as a perfectly natural progression , a SUPERFILE mailing list grows into a customer database as people take up your tempting offers .
17 Well we 've talked mostly about various difficulties that bona fide complainants in the public have about the insurance company , what about the other way around ?
18 The sort of objectives which are appropriate for advertising are objectives concerned with awareness and understanding of the brand , and with the attitudes and opinions people have about the brand .
19 So um that kind of thing b according to Campbell may be one of the reasons why the Cleveland scandal was so scandalous was because it intersected with a number of cultural fears we have about the relationship between sexuality and the anus for some reason .
20 Integrity holds within political communities , not among them , so any opinion we have about the scope of the requirement of coherence makes assumptions about the size and character of these communities .
21 It would certainly include : the physical lay-out of the houses we live in and of the settlements of which they form a part ; the general pattern of conventional procedures by which foodstuffs and other necessities of life are produced and distributed and finally consumed ; the way children are brought up ; the way tasks are allocated to different members of the household ; the ideas we have about the nature of reality and of the cosmos , our sense of what is the proper way to behave towards kin and neighbours and persons in authority ; the kinds of clothes and the styles of language which are appropriate to different occasions , etc .
22 Bu , but o , on the other hand yo you 've got to se you 've to er give the information that you have about the feeling in the church !
23 Take two felt-tip pens , of different colours , and underline in one colour all the words that catch the meaning you intended , that evoke strongly the feelings you have about the room .
24 In fact , what we have as the end-point of the heat death of the Universe is a timeless sea of virtual particles .
25 Abrams believed neighbouring to hang on a dilemma which those who live near to each other have between the need for support in times of crisis and the need for privacy .
26 You have during the year , er , both through this Committee , and through Resources and Management sub-committee , agreed expenditure of seven hundred and seventeen thousand from that contingency .
27 For some , in fact , this meeting may be the only evening out they have during the month ; and it is often the encouragement and moral support they get from the group that gives them the resolve to come at all .
28 One of them bears a close anatomical resemblance to the marble copies we have after the bronze statues of the Tyrannicides by Kritios and Nesiotes which we know were set up in the Agora , the city centre north-west of the Acropolis , in 477 .
29 The second reform is that , in order to emphasize the importance of the responsibilities fathers have towards the maintainance of their children , maintainance payments , on a much reduced scale , should continue for people when they are out of work and on welfare themselves .
30 What the experienced communicator recognises is that the effectiveness of what is said is as dependent upon how it is said and perceptions and impressions others have of the person presenting the argument as it is upon the quality of argument itself .
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