Example sentences of "have often [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I have often suspected that by raking through the telephone directory according to a number code , you could extract a secret message .
2 Moreover , in contrast to the neo-classical school , Marxists have often emphasized that before any countervailing tendencies set in , the processes of growth in one region and decline elsewhere may for long periods become self-reinforcing .
3 But I have often felt that the concern expressed over this issue is actually only addressing those problems associated with animal species .
4 Religious apologists have often argued that when science and religion are properly understood , they can be in perfect harmony .
5 I have often noticed that in any flock of genuinely free-range chickens there are one or two high-layers : that is , birds which seek out nesting sites in elevated positions , on inaccessible window-ledges or the tops of bale-stacks .
6 There is a lot of racism in the school , and I have often believed that a lot of multicultural talk should start with the staff before it starts with the pupils .
7 In the bond market , the Bank does not actively try to sell at a time when prices are falling ; indeed its spokesmen have often asserted that it can not sell in such conditions , that the views of investors in the short-term are predominantly extrapolative and that few will wish to buy stock when the price is falling .
8 Doubly authentic , because I have often observed that where , these delicate questions are concerned most listeners are more inclined than not to accept the most improbable of two or three possible explanations for the vagaries of a person 's conduct .
9 I would enter a plea that I have often made that the street officer 's authority … and discretion should be given better recognition .
10 Policy-makers and commentators in many countries of the world have often assumed that small farmers and peasants in mountainous and/or environmentally degraded areas will abandon their hillside plots if given other opportunities elsewhere , so that the state by various means can ease population pressure on steep slopes by encouraging or at least not inhibiting colonisation of new areas .
11 It is for this reason that sociologists have often assumed that they must respect the professional psychologists ' judgement in these matters , and so have treated Freud from their viewpoint as unscientific and unusable .
12 I have often thought that one of the most interesting things for doctors about their patients is to see whether they survive or not .
13 I have often thought that one of the less attractive traits of various professional bodies and institutions is the deeply ingrained suspicion and outright hostility which can exist towards anything unorthodox or unconventional .
14 He knows that I have often thought that the exceptional needs payment scheme was complex , slow and did not often reach those most in need .
15 I have often thought that I should like to push through the House a simple single-clause Bill which would reduce death and injury at a stroke : it would be to insist that road traffic operated with signals in the same way as trains .
16 I have often thought that almost the most foolish act perpetrated by the previous Prime Minister was her sacking of the right hon. Gentleman .
17 I have often found that schoolchildren who find chemistry tedious can have their interest rekindled by humorous stories of compound names .
18 Even in those denominations which claim a Christian orthodoxy , I have often found that the Devil is a formal proposition only .
19 I have often found that I can share problems with them as both teacher and learner .
20 I have often reflected that if the founders , Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst , had behaved like any other rural landowners , living it up through judicious stock-market investments , no one would have raised an eyebrow .
21 I have often read that the use of fish knives is considered passé , and that they have never been used by the aristocracy .
22 Quantitative explanations in terms of a less exotic object have often suggested that it must have been extremely underdense ( with an effective density m 10 -3 –1 0 -2 gcm -3 ) to have exploded before reaching the ground .
23 I have often suggested that a good place to look for worthwhile ideas is in the bankruptcy fields , for failure can he due to so many causes other than the failure of the basic concept ( poor management , cash-flow problems , dainty investors , competition at the time , technical problems , etc . ) .
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