Example sentences of "have used [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You have used guitar synth in the past …
2 Incidentally , I have used projection television receivers at home for the last 40 years and , possibly their use does not require the eye to be concentrated in one continuous subtended angle , my in eyes in their fourth quarter century still resolve that one minute of arc !
3 Several physiologists have used gall bladders from animal species to study ion transport and the electrical properties of the epithelium by applying either the Ussing chamber technique or whole organ preparation technique .
4 It should be noted that all the experiments thus far have used vector representations .
5 A number of academics have used census data to plot details of changes in distribution in the inter-war and post-war periods ( e.g. Willats and Newson 1953 , Carter 1956 , Moisley 1962 , Champion 1976 , Lawton 1977 , Compton 1982 ) .
6 If you have used curry powder , such flavours are already in the dish .
7 ‘ I have used Nurse Harvey 's Gripe Mixture for all my four children .
8 I have used computer auctions in the past for some purchases and would like to know how to tell the difference between XT/AT keyboards .
9 The companies that have used computer data bases most successfully for competitor intelligence have kept the data bases small and simple .
10 The BSS UK dismisses any suggestion that use of the Beltex as a terminal sire will lead to more lambing problems ; so far those who have used Beltex rams for crossing report no more incidence of assisted lambings than would normally have been dealt with .
11 Most of the studies discussed so far have used laboratory tasks , often ones in which the source of arousal is artificial and quite separate from the material to be remembered .
12 Instead they have used block votes like bulbs of garlic — to keep away the vampires of the left .
13 They have used finance company personal loans more than women have in the past , but women now use them as much .
14 Both the late Don Dunford and Tom Pratt have used delta shapes , Don with a smaller ‘ pilot ’ delta about 30 metres above the main litter , and Tom with a stack of up to four deltas closely stacked barely a semi-span apart .
15 Both have used chip technology to produce handheld database readers that fit comfortably into the palm of your hand .
16 With a few exceptions , the ways the House has been covered by the cameras — and equally the ways the broadcasters have used television coverage of the House in the programmes — have changed little since the experiment began .
17 Pension funds have used property unit trusts as a cheap method of diversifying into the property market , without the problems associated with actually dealing in the properties themselves .
18 The intelligence men also have used infinity bugs and other devices by which telephones can be converted into microphones to relay conversation in the rooms in which they are placed .
19 We have used sickness absence as a measure of morbidity .
20 With slick efficiency successive Conservative administrations have used teacher unrest ( for which they must take a considerable share of responsibility ) as a justification for taking an even firmer control of the whole education service .
21 We have also joined with Bio Flo , a major healthcare industry supplier , to develop an artificial liver for Corin Medical we have used X-ray absorptiometry to measure the bone changes around new artificial hips in arthritic patients .
22 Common literature methods ( Tappert , 1982 ; Hall and Dowling , 1980 ; Berghel , 1987 ) have used string matching techniques , ( e.g. nearest match methods , approximate string matching ) to find candidates for intended words once an error has been identified .
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