Example sentences of "have never [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People always comment on the large number of pictures , but we 've always displayed things on the walls and have never particularly liked putting up flowery wallpaper — or wallpaper at all , ’ Catherine explains .
2 They should have been negotiating over the location of the European monetary institute and of a subsequent European central bank in the City of London , but they have never even raised those questions , despite the fact that , of all the countries of the European Community , the location of the central bank has much the greatest importance for Britain .
3 The Christian Church has always had a good many professing members who are rather like those disciples at Ephesus who , when asked by Paul , ‘ Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed ? ’ replied , ‘ No , we have never even heard that there is a Holy Spirit ’ ( Acts 19:2 ) .
4 In fact people who have never even heard of contraception and have never stepped inside a family planning clinic still plan their families .
5 And those that do , grow up in a sub-culture that is a disgrace to England ; unable to read or write , born to crime as a way of life , most of them have never even seen the inside of a church .
6 Many have never even seen a Norfolk long-spade and many others have become too reliant upon the locator .
7 The cellar I have at least seen , and been in occasionally ; I know all the rooms on the ground floor and the second ; the loft is my domain entirely and home of the Wasp Factory , no less ; but that one room on the first floor I do n't know , I have never even seen inside .
8 They probably have never even considered that they could have an accident and damage the glider .
9 Another good idea on waters you know is to spend ten minutes in a swim you have never fished before — I always try and do this and every now and again a post which I have never even considered before has produced the goods .
10 Secondly , we have ‘ unnatural ’ recordings , in which original sounds ( or in some cases electrical waveforms which have never even had a separate acoustic existence ) are subject to processes which make them into something new .
11 In the western democracies , those masses have never again suffered the dire oppression that they suffered in .
12 Now , given that so much of that pruning has already been done and given that even given that situation we have never yet reached four percent contingent er turnover savings , I think it highly unlikely and so do the officers , that they will be achieved this year .
13 I have never yet seen him lose courage . ’
14 It is said to drop at times to below 8 , but I have never yet lost it with 7 × 50 binoculars .
15 Our own experience is that we have never yet planted a congregation without each person who is married getting as clear a call to the work as their partner .
16 Do you know , I have never yet found anything which closely resembled what we discovered in his mouth .
17 1 National Trust membership card ( sounds simple , but I have never yet remembered to take it )
18 I would hasten to say that I have never yet had the misfortune to operate anywhere which possessed all these undesirable features , but every one of us has seen some of them , or combinations of them in different circumstances , and everyone knows , from their own personal experience , how demotivating these characteristics are .
19 We want ten and fifteen people stood there in the street , you want their T-shirts on because I have never yet had one person say to me , I wo n't sign it because I think they should shut .
20 I have never elsewhere come across the style of this interior , although I recognise it as in a very common tradition .
21 Most humans , after all , have never successfully applied the scientific techniques of meditation to their own minds , including many of today 's ‘ gurus ’ .
22 In modern linguistics , we are often told of our remarkable ability to construct meaningful sentences which we have never previously heard ; yet this is surely matched by our ability to absorb the social implications of an array of furnishing consisting of a combination which is not only almost certainly in some degree unique , but some of whose basic elements may also be new to us .
23 Many of Indonesia 's peoples , for instance , who have never previously seen Europeans , grow very little body hair , and all of it straight .
24 NINE-EIGHTEEN is the name of the Italian company which came to Ferndown for the British Women 's Open and sold designer golf shirts and T-shirts such as we have never previously seen , even in the tented village at The Open .
25 It will increase , as all our policies do , parental influence and parental choice in education on a scale on which we have never previously embarked in state education .
26 Operatives who have never previously held factory jobs need to be trained , expatriates are replaced with indigenous managerial and technical personnel , and indigenous capacity springs up in unfamiliar and/or high technology industries .
27 Use a seven point scale where 1 would indicate that you have never previously driven through the junction and 7 would indicate that you drive through the junction nearly every day ’ .
28 Finally , there have been some striking public successes , notably in the highly effective campaigns to defend the political levy , which have even produced ballot results in favour of political funds in unions like the Hosiery and Knitwear Workers or the Inland Revenue Staffs Federation which have never previously had them .
29 Because my first experience of love was here , I have never wholly transplanted myself from this soil .
30 Foreign relations and international involvement have never wholly lost their sense of being essentially instrumental in nature .
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