Example sentences of "have over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The consistent purpose in all the changes is to expand the control individuals have over the work situation , their autonomy from management and their voluntary interdependence .
2 In Scotland , we have a valuation base which is comparatively up to date — perhaps that is an advantage which we have over the rest of the country — but we should build upon that base .
3 A good illustration of this is the lack of certainty that many young people have over the question of how to address their parents and parents-in-law after marriage .
4 The control you have over the video " text " gives you the flexibility to use it in the way that best suits your particular purpose at any particular time .
5 Ask yourself these questions : How much influence do finance people have over the achievement of your goals ?
6 The same mood continued after Monday night 's 3–0 home defeat at the hands of third-placed Pirelli — meaning that even if Alton were to win all five of the games in hand they have over the Eastleigh side , they would still be three points behind them .
7 More generally , the link between the last three sections of this book is Tolkien 's perception , from Pearl and from poems like it , that poetry does not reduce to plain sense ( so far most critics would agree with him ) , but furthermore that this is because words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries , available however to many native speakers , and ( this is where many critics part company ) at times breaking through the immediate intentions of even poetic users .
8 Fishkeepers should always bear in mind that the majority of their fish have over the period of evolution become adapted to live in a certain environment — sea , river , swamp , lake , etc … each with its own specific limits of water chemistry and quality .
9 This is unsurprising : the terrorists — or militants or mujaheddin — have over the years killed 17 journalists .
10 Their training and the pressure to conform to state rules and regulations have over the years made them appear to their pupils , and many parents , as agents of the regime .
11 As therapists , we have over the years become suspicious of the adult patient who too openly and easily confesses incestuous experience , putting this as the first and foremost cause of all their problems .
12 Post war he has had several diverse jobs and is currently Chairman of the Goldfish Club , a society for men and women who have over the years ditched in the sea .
13 Upon finding the wreck the FORI hope to be able to identify the serial plates on the engines of the aircraft , proving that this aircraft was the mount of Saint-Exupery , thereby laying to rest the many mysteries and rumours that have over the years surrounded his death .
14 Although these began as three separate initiatives , they have over the years been brought closer together .
15 She suspects that Charles suspects that she had once had an affair with Ivan , but of course she had not , though she concedes that Ivan is so unpleasant that only a degree of past sexual intimacy could plausibly explain the kind of relationship that he and Liz have over the years established .
16 These have over the years contributed to our unenviable record of ill health .
17 ‘ The Geophysical Observatory in Port Moresby have over the years provided us with very useful earthquake data and are helping us monitor the after shocks which are sill being felt in the Tari area . ’
18 What has always impressed me enormously about the office bearers and team members I have over the years got to know is that they are never judgemental about those they help , and that , like the members of RNLI boat crews , they go out in all weathers to seek to save life and/or to assist the injured .
19 What has always impressed me enormously about the office bearers and team members I have over the years got to know is that they are never judgemental about those they help , and that , like the members of RNLI boat crews , they go out in all weathers to seek to save life and/or to assist the injured .
20 What has always impressed me enormously about the office bearers and team members I have over the years got to know is that they are never judgemental about those they help , and that , like the members of RNLI boat crews , they go out in all weathers to seek to save life and/or to assist the injured .
21 I have over the years many times come to the rostrum but for the first time it gives me no pleasure at all in saying what has to be said .
22 Those unhappy with the " confessional " model , mostly in its Christian form , have over the years sought to escape from the dilemma — unconsciously or consciously — by subtracting from the equation of RE all that is controversial and likely to cause trouble .
23 While environmental groups have over the years been highly critical of pollution caused by coal-fired power stations , in particular the levels of emissions of sulphur dioxide and other gases that cause acid rain , neither Friends of the Earth nor Greenpeace nor other groups has expressed support for the scaling down of the coal industry along the lines proposed by the government .
24 I have over the years sent my postal order regularly and it was n't until two years ago that I became more actively involved in the work of Save The Children fund raising .
25 There are now so few to be fished for in most rivers that more and more people who spent a lot of money in Scotland , as I have over the years , are going to Russia , Iceland , Alaska , Canada and Norway .
26 Yes , I have over the years .
27 If a local authority behaved as the Government have over the sale of public assets , its members would be disqualified and taken before the district auditor and might have to spend some time in gaol — and quite right , too .
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