Example sentences of "have leave the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Occasional breakdowns in the training may not be uncommon at this stage , and you should make sure that the litter tray is available overnight or if you have to leave the puppy for a short time during the day .
2 But you have to leave the wood to dry for a year before you take it home .
3 We have to leave the intellect in order to follow that path .
4 If they lose their jobs , instead of going on the dole they have to leave the country .
5 ‘ I have to leave the country by Monday , but that 's no problem , ’ he growled .
6 Always rehang the hooks about every twelfth row or so and never leave them in place if you have to leave the work .
7 You have to pull it down or leave it down all the time because you always have to leave the light on there anyway
8 I have to leave the coat on the seat , there is no room for it .
9 I have to get a bus at eight o'clock so I have to leave the house at twenty to eight .
10 These only cover the first two years , so that most secondary schoolchildren have to leave the region to complete their education .
11 Women who have to leave the labour market altogether , or who find the location , hours and other opportunities for employment restricted , will inevitably experience reduced earnings .
12 To reach the cliff edge , the surfers have to leave the coast road and drive along a rough track and across the old mine site .
13 Removal expenses might be recoverable if you have to leave the district in order to improve your employment prospects .
14 Have to leave the jeep and walk from here on . ’
15 I know what it is to be alone , to fear death , I know and she is unaware that I know , and yet I have to go to her , I have to leave the safety of my room .
16 Francois Dupeyron , first-time writer-director , is a natural talent ; his images linger in the mind long after you have left the cinema .
17 I have left the dialogue unchanged but removed some of the author 's comments and set it out in sociological rather than novelistic conventions .
18 A Fire Authority divisional officer at Bangor confirmed the majority of firemen from Castlereagh have left the service .
19 If there really are no suitable fields within range , then you have left the choice far too late and you must choose the best you can .
20 Claims can not be considered once the vehicles have left the premises .
21 I have left the way clear for anyone to take over as chairman .
22 Deferred pension entitlements for employees who have left the STG or who leave prior to privatisation will be similarly protected .
23 ‘ Also I am concerned about the strength of the winds and currents which we may encounter once we have left the shelter of the land . ’
24 In order not to bore my readers , I have left the subject alone for the past six months , but with the start of a new summer season approaching in Britain , it is perhaps time to take up some of the issues again ; for I see few signs that there is any change of heart and certainly no sign of a change of direction .
25 This unequal balance is at the heart of the Muslim ( and Syrian ) demand for political reform in Lebanon , a demand which General Aoun will only accept , he says , once the Syrians have left the country .
26 Alex Goldfarb , executive director of the ISF and formerly a biochemist at the Engelhardt Institute in Moscow , sees the gap between the number of applicants and the number of eligible scientists as a sign that many of his colleagues have left the country for greener pastures in the West or have taken up another occupation .
27 But many Japanese industries are desperate for Asian workers , decades of economic growth have left the country with a severe labour shortage , the construction industry in particular , wants Asians to be allowed in legally , though many ordinary Japanese are horrified at the prospect of that .
28 The declining fortunes of explicit political content is illustrative of long-term processes which have left the press open to ( perhaps ) ‘ undesirable ’ commercial influences and considerations .
29 Sink mixers have divided flow so that the hot and cold water do not mix until they have left the tap .
30 ( And those who saw them off have left the platform )
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