Example sentences of "have go into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't we pay you enough that you have to go into the courier business ? ’
2 ‘ If you want any letters posted , ’ Fen said , ‘ I have to go into the next town we come to .
3 He says I have to go twice as far , to go round the car , and it can be quite dangerous as I have to go into the road .
4 She says it 's impossible , I have to go into the road .
5 ‘ Now we have to go into the Germany game next weekend and build on what we have achieved against Brazil . ’
6 Like many others , I suspect , I have gone into a shop of whatever description linked to a current hobby , have asked a few pertinent questions , and have then exited clutching some new-bought kit .
7 This is the first time 3 forces have gone into a joint exercise from the outset and I think we 'll see that example spread right across the country to the extent where eventually the whole country will be given police air support .
8 Virtually none of the people looked at in this demonstration have gone into an informal care setting where they are relying to a large degree on informal caring .
9 It is almost impossible to judge what loads have gone into the structure during a bad landing , swing or ground loop .
10 One harbours superior thoughts as to just where and in what circumstances her hosts can have possibly imagined her wearing such things , until one recalls that only seconds before one was counting the endless number of stoats ' tails that have gone into the making of the coronation robe .
11 Traditional though that activity is of the students of past generations who have gone into the making of the tradition can have had such impressive aids .
12 This is a pity , because the few scientists who have gone into the matter in rigorous detail have concluded that there at least might be something in it .
13 A similar sensitivity and a deep understanding of the resources of the watercolour medium have gone into the painting of the landscapes on view until July 11 at Cliffe Castle , Keighley .
14 In fact it can be extremely difficult to isolate the pressures and influences which have gone into the making of any one decision .
15 It traces the ingredients that have gone into the melting pot to become Sicilian cuisine , right back to the ancient Greeks , Arabs and Normans .
16 Erm the simple fact is that the factors that have gone into the model that which we have used , have been the nineteen ninety one based fertility , mortality and infant mortality rates .
17 Because we 're having this sort of interference from a central source , er , they 're actually handling in collating and all the information related to bids has been made throughout the whole of England , and it 's , it 's just too , too large to control , and it 's so unfair in the way that they will interpret different things from the remoteness of London , and I think it 's important that , to notice too , that the amount of monies that have gone into the Scottish regions since the im part of the E C prior to the E U , and it 's important to realize how much control they have actually have and how that money was dispersed .
18 ‘ It 's old folks and neighbours that have gone into the houses , and it will be children who will benefit in years to come from the jobs that are created .
19 T S B have gone into the work Gav .
20 I do n't think I 'll bother to answer the remarks that others need to say of course tremendous resources have gone into the health service over the past few years , but I think whatever government is in power , it will never be enough for all the new developments in the health service , and that is always the trouble , whoever would be there would find it difficult .
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