Example sentences of "have do with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have done with history . ’
2 Developed on S V R four with N C R. And it 's a key point that this is a combination of work which have done with N C R and the first release of Navigation Server will be available on the N C R thirty six hundred architecture .
3 I have done with excuses , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I have done with excuses towards myself and towards others , that is the meaning of the right time , he wrote , that I have done with excuses , that I have used up all the excuses and reached the bottom of excuses , that I have wrung the neck of excuses , that I have settled the hash of excuses .
4 I have done with excuses , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I have done with excuses towards myself and towards others , that is the meaning of the right time , he wrote , that I have done with excuses , that I have used up all the excuses and reached the bottom of excuses , that I have wrung the neck of excuses , that I have settled the hash of excuses .
5 I have done with excuses , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I have done with excuses towards myself and towards others , that is the meaning of the right time , he wrote , that I have done with excuses , that I have used up all the excuses and reached the bottom of excuses , that I have wrung the neck of excuses , that I have settled the hash of excuses .
6 I have so looked forward to it , making all the things with Matey , and thinking of what we shall do with the money we make — which is stupid really , when I know that I could so easily give them so much more — But that would be nothing , for what I have done with Matey has been done by me , and not by Papa , for that is what giving them his money would mean .
7 Everyone okay with what they have to do with regards to their respective role plays ?
8 In the changed climate , the most powerful arguments surrounding modularity have to do with resources , rationalisation , how to maintain options with declining rolls , and ultimately — sheer survival .
9 So what , if anything , do examinations and tests have to do with teaching , learning , or reaching the standards of excellence that supporters of selective systems are so fond of ?
10 Many of these have to do with shifts of ‘ voice ’ between author and character .
11 One can bludgeon them with facts , anecdotes and innuendoes about the ways in which land is being misused , show that even the best of intentions are misguided , and that most people who have to do with land and what it provides hold views which are wrong .
12 Robson was , in one sense , simply echoing the words of Maitland that ‘ if you take up a modern volume of the reports of the Queen 's Bench division , you will find that about half the cases reported have to do with rules of administrative law ’ and that you must ‘ not neglect their existence in your general description of what English law is ’ otherwise ‘ you will frame a false and antiquated notion of our constitution ’ The fact that Robson felt the need to propound this view so strongly , and that Maitland 's thoughts seemed to have been almost entirely neglected , serve to indicate that conservative normativism had by the 1920s become established as the dominant tradition .
13 He once wrote In the experiments about atomic events we have to do with things and facts , with phenomena which are just as real as any phenomena in daily life .
14 What any of these matters have to do with intercountry trade or a single market in Europe is not readily apparent .
15 You might ask ( I 'll ask for you ) what the Babes in the Wood have to do with Robin Hood .
16 It came into Wexford 's mind that money metaphors often have to do with water , gushing , springing , and that business men talk of liquidity and cash flow .
17 ‘ Men have to do with morals ’ , she wrote , ‘ women with conventions .
18 W what we have to do with quality management , is introduce the horses for courses idea .
19 Whatever arguments there may be in favour of the independence of members of assemblies or parliaments , it is hard to see what they have to do with representation as it is commonly understood .
20 And what would any of this have to do with Mr Meredith ? ’
21 Some equations , asserted in a certain context or on certain assumptions , have to do with parts of causal circumstances .
22 But the traditionally minded researcher might be forgiven for asking what these two distinct approaches have to do with politics , for both of them in their own ways have argued major political components of regions and regionalism out of court .
23 They are formal in character and have to do with language at the level of the sentence and its constituents .
24 The second activity will not be related to specific lesson preparation but have to do with language work related to modes of language use .
25 For when one considers the matter , it is clear that there must be some aspects of language learning which have to do with habit formation .
26 I do n't understand what it is you want , or what you have to do with Spiderglass , or even how you got me away from them .
27 To recall and build on the earlier analysis , these rules have to do with truth-telling , sincerity , intelligibility , empathy and active listening .
28 They have to do with programming : French culture and communications ministers in the 1980S protested at US cultural imperialism -thus , over five years , during prime-time viewing , French-made programmes were allegedly down by 30 percent and American-made programmes up by 60 percent ; France is battling to win ‘ la guerre des images ’ — star wars waged via the TV set .
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