Example sentences of "have do [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Children were splashing in the beck , their cries echoing from the cove face , a courting couple were doing what courting couples have done since time immemorial , oblivious to the world and its wife passing by , and old ladies on a coach trip from Bradford were walking gently through the sunny afternoon , all grey hair , handbags and giggles .
2 We have done with history . ’
3 Developed on S V R four with N C R. And it 's a key point that this is a combination of work which have done with N C R and the first release of Navigation Server will be available on the N C R thirty six hundred architecture .
4 I have done with excuses , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I have done with excuses towards myself and towards others , that is the meaning of the right time , he wrote , that I have done with excuses , that I have used up all the excuses and reached the bottom of excuses , that I have wrung the neck of excuses , that I have settled the hash of excuses .
5 I have done with excuses , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I have done with excuses towards myself and towards others , that is the meaning of the right time , he wrote , that I have done with excuses , that I have used up all the excuses and reached the bottom of excuses , that I have wrung the neck of excuses , that I have settled the hash of excuses .
6 I have done with excuses , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I have done with excuses towards myself and towards others , that is the meaning of the right time , he wrote , that I have done with excuses , that I have used up all the excuses and reached the bottom of excuses , that I have wrung the neck of excuses , that I have settled the hash of excuses .
7 I have so looked forward to it , making all the things with Matey , and thinking of what we shall do with the money we make — which is stupid really , when I know that I could so easily give them so much more — But that would be nothing , for what I have done with Matey has been done by me , and not by Papa , for that is what giving them his money would mean .
8 I have done as Prince Rainbow required .
9 What it means , of course , is that very often we have different definitions of experience and reality from men , and that much of what we say is critical of men and about what they have done to women .
10 Holography … may do to visual image reproduction what lasers will do to data storage and computers have done to data processing …
11 With a little imagination we can see our village bowmen , after a day on the butts retiring as many later sportsmen have done to refreshment at the Five Bells to talk over their prowess with the bow .
12 May God 's punishment be a thousand times worse on you than the harm that you have done to Hector . ’
13 Consider , then , what geography and generation together have done for Darwin 's understanding of the problems of organic diversity and the origin of species .
14 May I join in the admiration and respect which all concerned , including J. 's mother , have expressed for what the foster parents have done for J.
15 They congregate in favoured places such as Quendale Bay , Ronas Voe and north of Hascosay , as they have done for generations , and here they complete their moult into their smart summer dress , to replace the drab dark grey and white .
16 IN a quiet , residential street in the suburbs of Edinburgh , a family argues over the state of society today , as families have done for generations .
17 Indeed , the Conservative Party did begin to widen its potential appeal by issuing a plethora of pamphlets in the 1920s : Aims and Principles ( 1924 ) , What Unionists have done for Workers ( 1925 ) , What the Conservative Government has done for Education ( 1928 ) and What the Conservative Government has done for Health ( 1929 ) .
18 It had started as an evening of fun , said Harper 's defence team , 5 young people doing what young people have done for centuries .
19 As people have mathematicians have done for centuries .
20 ‘ I just concentrated on the job in hand and felt better than I have done for months .
21 In over ten years of supplementing fish food with earthworms , I have not been able to relate fish death to earthworm feeding as I have done for tubifex .
22 Arguably , however , many do and have done for years .
23 I always cry at the doctor 's , have done for years .
24 If I may take one more minute just to convey this when I was a child in South Africa and we demonstrated and the police would come you know , ready to fire ready to kill if necessary and you had to calculate how you can avoid that situation and then you try in your normal life after the demonstration to do something against the regime to organize people and so on , and then like a juggernaut the state comes and destroys all the work that you and others have done for years and you just see it as a child of what your parents and others had done .
25 I would still prefer to see the priority being a quick release of the ball to the backs , purely because they are looking as dangerous now as they have done for years .
26 This is the sort of thing Reader 's Digest have done for years , of course , on great enormous computers .
27 Well , I ca n't promise that if you leave I 'll be as generous as he was ; I 'll continue your allowance certainly , but as for a house , no ; for as you are well aware , because you know the books as well as I do , it takes us all our time , even with my salary , to continue living here as we have done of yore .
28 For , in truth , humble flagman Ken Evans and race starter Captain Keith Brown both with years of successful racing experience behind them were carrying out their duties according to the book , as they and others like them have done without criticism in the past .
29 To grasp the mystic significance of numbers — for instance , the two poles of Solomon 's litter , and the four struts that supported its canopy — was to acquire ( as some wielders of power in modern times have done through astrology ) a sense of control over the contemporary world : to explain the failure of some policies , to plan and time others more effectively .
30 I am convinced that zander often shoal up or gather in great numbers when they are not hunting and to come across one of these occurrences as I have done from time to time is an unbelievably exciting experience .
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