Example sentences of "have be make and " in BNC.

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1 If you reach the conclusion that the asking price is reasonable , ring the agent and ask if any other offers have been made and what he thinks the owner might accept .
2 It is very difficult to do this satisfactorily ; the experienced reader can nearly always see where the joins have been made and , of course , for the student the exercise in beginning research has been carried out the wrong way round .
3 All that is fine , but in the process howlers have been made and hang-ups remain .
4 Once changes in the classroom have been made and special items of furniture and equipment have been introduced , they usually come to be accepted as a matter of course and are regarded by pupils as ‘ how things are ’ .
5 Cable & Wireless Plc is said to be considering adding some of its other Asian assets to its Hong Kong Telecom Ltd affiliate , in which it holds 58% : this could mean some of C&W 's existing assets in Hong Kong , China , Thailand and the Philippines being acquired by Hong Kong Telecom ; up to now , group investments in the region have been made and held by Cable & Wireless itself .
6 No further issues have been made and at April 1988 this represents the cumulative total issued since the introduction of SDRs .
7 We shall look now at some of the comments which have been made and attempt an evaluation of the scheme before going on to discuss subsequent developments .
8 Representations have been made and are being made to her majesty 's government .
9 Over the years laws have been made and amended declaring certain kinds of action to be criminal and punishable with imprisonment or fines .
10 No such regulations have been made and at present the government has no plans to make any .
11 There have been many examples , particularly in pub , club and leisure businesses where false economies have been made and wilting plant material is always noticed by a discerning , paying public .
12 Fixed-price contracts have been normal for production contracts but on occasion this has led to claims that excess profits have been made and in a few cases repayment of the excess has been enforced .
13 Reports on these visits have been made and from these a number of lessons have been identified which firms that are using risk management systems are likely to find of interest .
14 They depend on assumptions which have been made and on uncertain future events .
15 The court will check the court records to see if instalments have been made and any " pass through " must be taken into account .
16 I do n't think er my only comment would be that having heard all the comments that have been made and listened to them and tried to dissect them and understand them , I do n't think they really alter er fundamentally our position .
17 I thought Chairman that er Mr is saying that er they would consider any consult with the Union on some of the statements that have been made and I quite er the item D is in fact necessary that er I I I gave no arguments , it should be given consideration if it is come to that and er it will come back presumably to form a proposition of deal with it then .
18 If you have seen kitchens where the doors refuse to hang correctly , where shelves can not be adjusted or where drawers refuse to open the chances are it 's because ‘ savings ’ have been made and lower quality materials have been used .
19 ‘ Without going into detail , for legal reasons , I can say that in respect of both republican and loyalist terror groups , a series of significant arrests have been made and a considerable number of murder and bombing missions intercepted and prevented .
20 The guide gives detailed information on how quota allocations have been made and explains the arrangements for supplementary allocations , and for allocations from the National Reserve .
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