Example sentences of "have be [vb pp] and " in BNC.

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1 Now , major sewage interceptor schemes have been completed and the Tyne is undoubtedly the finest salmon stream in England ; and getting better every year .
2 Less than 25 have been completed and the latest plan aims to finish only 26 projects during the next two years .
3 The final galas of the 1992 Surrey County Championships have been completed and there were more medals for Haslemere swimmers .
4 Ten 1:10 000 geological maps have been completed and the preparation of a full suite of thematic maps and a final report for the project is well advanced .
5 Modelling studies for the Gulf of Thailand and the Malay Basin have been completed and reports have sent out to collaborators for comment .
6 So far much hampered by lack of money and staff about 1.5 million catalogue entries have been completed and 2,665,000 photographs produced .
7 that the premises in respect of which the grant was made have been completed in accordance with the plan thereof lodged with the board , or ( b ) that the premises have been completed and that such deviations from the said plan as exist are of minor importance and have not materially altered the character of the premises or the facilities for the supply of alcoholic liquor thereat .
8 Stage : All consultations have been completed and the plan is likely to be adopted later this year .
9 We have now reached the stage where the planning and programming stages have been completed and four locations have been successfully implemented .
10 If all mandatory fields have been completed and all completed fields contain valid entries , your request will be actioned .
11 If all updates have been completed and the user has DC OPERATIONS privilege , he may submit the DC for assessment by all interested users by selecting option 2.1.3 Submit DC .
12 But there 's another cost to the savings that have been exemplified and that we are going to be forced to take with regard to this budget and that is something that anybody who uses the city council services , and particularly I would suggest councillors , are going to notice and that is the stress that we are putting on the people that we employ .
13 The Russian Ministry of the Interior reports that , in the first six months of this year , 2,211 crimes in that field have been registered and about 10,000 works of art stolen from State museums and private collectors .
14 This year , the decks have been cleared and I would n't be anywhere else .
15 A number of quartz-carbonate veins bearing copper , zinc , lead , silver and gold have been examined and massive volcanogenic sulphide mineralisation has been confirmed .
16 So our boards , sails , operating methods , safety boats and staff have been examined and approved by the highest UK national authority .
17 The C. and A.G. , after satisfying himself that the vouchers have been examined and certified as correct by the accounting department , may , in his discretion and having regard to the character of the departmental examination , in any particular case admit the sum so certified without further evidence of payment in support of the charges to which they relate … ‘
18 Many temples , caves , burial chambers and ‘ vision pits ’ have been constructed and used for this purpose .
19 Over 40 new signposts and waymarkers have been installed , new stiles have been constructed and old ones improved .
20 As explained above fifteen new ‘ open farm ’ prisons have been constructed and more of these are essential if the Sandinista prison guide-lines are to be fully put into action .
21 Discursive themes such as nation , self-help , respectability , have been constructed and related to class subjectivity .
22 Two-thirds of the homes have been constructed and the remainder are on target for an autumn completion .
23 Many anecdotes about this cheeky and colourful personality have been collected and published by Horace Dobbs .
24 Many people have been outraged by some of the things that have been said and done by the rugby players . ’
25 The vendor will be required to warrant that no trade unions have been recognised and that there are no collective agreements .
26 The fictitious example being used here is not the easiest one to explain to an informant , but many much more difficult ones have been explained and interviews obtained .
27 Troublemakers have been deported and the education system has trained the population to obedience .
28 New arrangements for the Training Fund have been devised and are now in operation .
29 A host of countermeasures have been devised and a few tried , such as exercise bikes and treadmills to which crew members are strapped .
30 These phrases , and others like them , have been debated and pondered , interpreted and reinterpreted , as though they were the formulations of the great philosophers of the past , like Plato or Kant , rather than the work of a living thinker in mid-career .
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