Example sentences of "'s not [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When you do file extract , just er , saving part , it 's not removing it from this .
2 It 's not space you 've got to worry about , Ace thought , it 's the people in it .
3 Anne : Oh [ feels miffed , status diminished , he 's not considering her like she 's considering him ] .
4 ‘ I know , and they 're probably all true in their way , but I 'm sure there 's something else that she 's not telling me
5 When he 's not telling us his name he 's yelling ‘ yo ’ and other inane rappisms in a suitably sneering tone .
6 Sue might know but she 's not telling us .
7 No , she 's not telling us .
8 If everybody fills a particular item in round about the middle or if everybody agrees with it or everybody disagrees with it , it 's not telling you very much as it were , according to the usual of attitude scale construction anyway .
9 But it 's not ask I mean it 's it 's er er
10 And he told me , he told me , I 've got it written on the back of me hand I thought it was brilliant that , I thought little do you know what I 'm gon na use that for he never phoned me for a , he 's not phoned me for
11 He also sees a rosy future for superstores : ‘ Superstores wo n't take the same percentage of the market as in the US , but that 's not to say they wo n't do well — they will .
12 That 's not to say they do n't want things they 're not currently getting .
13 ‘ They come and go a bit silently , of course , but that 's not to say they 're furtive . ’
14 I mean that 's not to say they 're not still a threat but at the moment er Leicester are starting to boss the game again and that 's the important to them .
15 well the brochures became , were dated each year , the service charge , a date was put on the service charges each year , that 's not to say they were , th they automatically changed , it depends on how long the scheme had been open
16 That 's not to say they are things that are happening this month that , that I have n't planned for three months ago .
17 That 's not to say I did n't think about sex — I did — and in order to relieve my frustration I would read books , watch videos and practise solitary sex .
18 That 's not to say I 'm not terrified about the state of our rivers and trees — but I do n't think it 's the best way to care for our environment .
19 There was neither an immediate protestation nor confirmation from Charlie ; then he said , ‘ No ; I have never wanted anyone else ; but that 's not to say I 've never had needs , and they had to be met .
20 That 's not to say I have n't had needs , and they had to be met , she thought .
21 That 's not to say he 's lying , of course . ’
22 That 's not to say he aspired to being something of a genius himself , it 's just that he felt a tremendous affinity with those people .
23 But that 's not to say it was a bad sound .
24 That 's not to say it 's just a question of luck whether you win — nothing could be further from the truth .
25 ‘ It 's not made of matter — like the surface the beetles were on — but that 's not to say it 's nothing . ’
26 I would have to confess that by American standards the er er the , er , directors of Pearson , the executive directors of Pearson and er , the chairman of Pearson and I think that the directors of most English companies are significantly underpaid by U S standards that 's not to say it 's right but , er , that seems to be the , er ha the current trend .
27 That 's not to say it 's innumerable
28 That 's not to say it failed !
29 ‘ But that 's not to say she 'd commit murder . ’
30 erm and ended up dealing with it but that 's not to say she should n't deal with it erm she just got to be trained how to deal with it
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