Example sentences of "have [verb] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All erm library books and school books have to go on top here if there 's no space to put them .
2 ‘ I have to go on Jibé 's past record .
3 Though I suppose one has to make a passing one has to make a passing er reference to the information which has come out in the other house erm and be publicised this weekend in the press but er er at one million almost one million a slug , M E Ps do n't come cheap , er I suppose one however would want to make allowances for the fact that they have three parliamentary buildings , that they have to go on trips and that er they have to pay er er I suppose German rates for their bureaucracy so there clearly are exceptional factors and indeed I would n't want to make too much of that .
4 Operating the 238S requires a separate mixer , which I actually find easier than using an all-in-one machine because working alone and trying to remember complicated bounces and mixes and all the things which have to go on tape is hard enough , so routing signals through the desk seems to make more sense to an already cluttered mind .
5 During the football season ( eight months of the year ! ) the early turn men parade at 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. , return for a few hours , then re-parade 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. , and sometimes have to go on duty at 6 a.m. the following morning .
6 Er Chairman this , this matter has caused great concern in Bungay I can tell you , I went to the Bungay town meeting last night and they were absolutely horrified at the way this has been handled and I have to apologize on behalf of the , of the County Council .
7 Chelsea , searching to replace him , have checked on Mike Stowell , of Wolves , and Tim Flowers at Southampton .
8 While writing this book I carried out a personal survey of the whole sky , using the binoculars which I have listed on page 16 .
9 State-owned French banks , such as Crédit Lyonnais , have relied on share-swaps with other state companies .
10 He and other psychoanalysts have relied on dreams recollected during therapy sessions , or those they could recall themselves .
11 Until now Purcellians have relied on Paul S. Dunkin 's account of the printing history of the Fairy Queen quartos : not a very easy read , and misleading in several respects .
12 For example where he used production of ammonia , we have relied on production of CO 2 as the measurement of glutamine metabolism .
13 Just as spoken language was seen as central to education , so cognitive theories have relied on speech coding as a key process .
14 Until now , efforts to stop the trade have depended on development programmes , but government reports readily concede that little has been achieved to create alternative employment .
15 Existing reports have depended on self reported defecation frequency which is prone to wrror and on reports of straining at stool , which is unreliable because it is a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome as well as of constipation .
16 Over the past 165 years , thousands of householders in some 40 Ulster towns and villages have depended on gas for their lighting , heating , and cooking .
17 If they read a few textbooks they would find out that more major medical advances have depended on animal studies .
18 ‘ The fact that Business Post achieved the award within two years highlighted the high value management have placed on training and staff development in both the company and the franchises .
19 It is equally absurd , once the working parties have consulted on content and won substantial professional support for their proposals , for subject departments to claim that content as their own .
20 Cadmium can damage the kidneys , and there has been concern about levels of cadmium in the livers and kidneys of elks and deer in southern Sweden which have grazed on plants that have accumulated cadmium .
21 I have sent many patients there and they have been delighted with the treatment and the care they have received on Merseyside .
22 I intend putting together the internal views I have received on Monday next .
23 The soils on the lowlands have formed on boulder clay which in many places is a fine mixture of clay and sand .
24 A good friend of mine , in the same set for physics and chemistry , grew so disturbed that he took some scissors and cut all round the stiff white collars , which we have to wear on Sundays , and made them into little points . "
25 I can then learn by its tic-tic that the robin is at my feet , judge by smell that I have trodden on thyme or bumped into a rosemary bush , and tell by touch that the leaf in my hand is comfrey and not common dock .
26 Clearly the nature of this relationship requires further investigation , particularly as no other case controlled studies have reported on transit time in relation to faecal bile acid concentration .
27 I would simply say that if you want to know what happened in America after Pop and Minimalism , you have to concentrate on art made in unconventional places and with unconventional materials : out of the studio art , land-art , body-art and video .
28 The more time you have to concentrate on training , the quicker the results will be .
29 I thank you Chair , I mean , clearly I have to ask for a little bit of license on this one , in that I have to comment on things outside of my own district , erm but you will not be surprised to hear , given my evidence earlier that the City Council 's view is quite clearly that there is sufficient land with , on the edge of York , the main urban area , which could accommodate this type of level of development and obviate the need for a new settlement in the structure plan period , I accept , however , of course that that is dependant upon the definition of the inner boundary of the greenbelt , if the City Council 's view on that is er acceptable then Inspector , I believe there will be sufficient sites to obviate the the need for a new settlement , clearly if the Inspector takes a tighter view on the greenbelt , then there will be little land opportunity within the main urban area for this .
30 A spokesman from Cambridge University commented ‘ while the University 's buildings are in reasonable condition for their age , the maintenance staff have to work on emergency work and are not able to put time into other things . ’
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