Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Particularly I think to the , to , to , not to provide something that they encounter elsewhere , the hoops they have to go through in order to get benefit , the restart programme , we 're not interested in that we 're interested in solidarity support , rebuilding confidence , keep keeping unemployed people in contract with the local trade union movement , and that that 's something that I personally regard as extremely important and something that , that erm with this partnership of the Labour Party , the Labour Group and the Trades Council and the trade unions in the area , I think we do very effectively .
2 No more : City rents have nearly halved from a £70 per sq ft peak in 1987 and capital values have fallen by at least 30 per cent .
3 In a letter to Minnie , who seemed the natural recipient of the account she wished to give , she described how — when first she was taken ill Minnie , which I expect you have heard of from Miss Arabel , who I dare say was given a terrible fright as were we all , many despaired of her life but I did not and I am pleased to say my faith was justified .
4 Elizabeth Hodder , whose wisdom I have relied upon in this section , found from personal experience that there was no help available for stepfamilies in Britain .
5 It is for later developments in the theory of ideology that we have to wait for in account that does not raise Marx 's materialism to a status such that it can not itself be analysed as ideology .
6 Child care experts have gathered from throughout Scotland to discuss what can be done to improve the educational record of children in care .
7 Once it has sprouted and the first few leaves have developed to about an inch , it should be removed and transplanted in the aquarium .
8 Many forms of political resistance and consciousness , feminist , gay , ecological and pacifist , have developed outside of party politics , and have developed analyses and strategies which go beyond traditional class politics .
9 It is this which some journalists , using a phrase made popular by A.M. Klein , have referred to as his ‘ stony , Semitic stare . ’
10 One of these which originally led to the nonprofessional but nationally-recognized Certificate of Social Service ( CCETSW , 1975 ) , has now been incorporated into a new and alternative route to a full professional social work qualification for some of the kinds of social service personnel we have referred to as paraprofessionals ( CCETSW , 1989 ) .
11 Many linguists in recent years have questioned the early assumptions of the discipline with regard to literacy and their work now serves to undermine rather than to support those arguments regarding literacy that I have referred to as the ‘ autonomous ’ model .
12 By this we do not mean to imply that any old interpretation will do because , clearly , there are standards involved in any inference from the data materials to the theory , be this a substantive sociological theory or what we have referred to as an instrumental theory .
13 The above example may appear something of a curioso , but it illustrates another example of the distinction between what we have referred to as the ‘ traditional ’ approach and the public choice approach to public finance .
14 The period of the 1940s and the 1950s was to produce what Samuel Beer has referred to as the welfare state and the managed economy , or what some commentators have referred to as the period of the social democratic consensus .
15 We also bear in mind the principles enunciated by Cohen ( 1982 : 8 ) of ethnographic work on small solidary communities , which I have referred to in section 4.2 and which distinguish between the ‘ voice to the outside world ’ and the ‘ much more complicated ’ voice of the community ‘ to its own members ’ .
16 Burton 's sexuality , which many have pointed to as the source of his power on stage and , at his best , on screen , became notorious in its more scandalous manifestation in his love for women .
17 Responsible party government and pluralism fitted some of the facts of British politics for some of the time , but they were always overoptimistic and crucially flawed in ways we have pointed to in the body of this chapter .
18 This is the largest and most comprehensive of its kind and does address the very real problems people have to cope with in the event of a major disaster . ’
19 And the fact that they have voted against with such a large majority is something
20 The furtiveness and fear of discovery that end Laura 's and Alec 's relationship comprise a set of emotions that Coward would have felt with particular force and poignancy , and which gay men ever since have responded to with recognition and admiration .
21 However , those who have exhausted their rights to Unemployment Benefit , in other words who have been unemployed for longer than one year , have to work for at least 13 weeks .
22 Housing differs from the other services we have looked at in three ways : first , it is a durable asset and this gives exclusive rights of use ; second , housing is the biggest single item of expenditure in the budgets of most households ; and third , the housing market is dominated by an extensive and powerful private sector ( cf. education and health services ) .
23 The concern of the writers that we have looked at in the preceding pages are with a number of organisational variables :
24 Some women I have looked after with hope but without good fortune .
25 I 'm going to be talking a bit more later in the presentation about back up and back up performance which is one of the key areas which erm organizations trying to support very large databases have come across as a as a as a major stumbling block or hurdle to get across .
26 The conclusions that I have come to about what is and is not important in the area of environmental scanning and business strategy are similar in many respects to those of White and Wilson , in another piece of British Library-sponsored research [ White & Wilson ( 1985 ) ] .
27 Yes well , erm I think I mean I I did check with the various trustees last week and the current position is erm there was basically a four hundred and sixty million that er that was the original missing figure , to which now goes back over two years er recoveries have come to into over a hundred thousand now with the
28 There were a lot of very poor men also in a number of these trades who were not originally covered by the legislation , and that 's where the erm the developments have , have come from since then , the dynamic of the policy , because the argument over whether it should be only for women rebounded on them , and people said , ‘ No , it should n't ’ , so for a while the legislation was all scrapped and then they started again , and now the Americans have much more comprehensive laws than we do .
29 And equivalent results have come from at least some studies using the conditioned suppression procedure ( e.g. Baker and Mercier ( 1982b ) , who compared intervals of 1 day and 5 days ; Hall and Minor ( 1984 ) , who compared 1 day and 8 days ; but see also Crowell and Anderson ( 1972 ) ) .
30 Most of the resources for this work have come from within the Division 's normal programme of research .
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