Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 I 'm sure though they have to go into primary .
32 We have to go into liquidation because these people broke the agreement and illegally occupied the houses . ’
33 Mr Alan Bemrose , trust founder , said last night : ‘ We have to go into liquidation because these people broke the agreement and illegally occupied the houses .
34 Moreover , you 're now at that age when you have to Go Into Hospital in a way which was unthinkable ten years back .
35 After all , it could give you invaluable peace of mind , if you ever have to go into hospital .
36 CASH if you — or any other member of your immediate family — have to go into hospital or a nursing home .
37 At other times people have to go into hospital to have an operation to make them better .
38 If you become ill and have to go into hospital , you will probably be concerned about keeping in touch with your children .
39 ‘ We have to go into town , ’ said Lili .
40 I said here I said got she said oh I have to go into cash now I suppose I have to owe you another bleeding pound here you are .
41 Travellers from Bulawayo to South Africa have to go in convoy .
42 Both ways , we have to go in front , come on ,
43 Sh I mean to , to my mind , should n't the land ownership possibly one of the key issues cos that is if you have land ownership and then you 're just paving the way for the new capitalist society and to , you know , according to Marxist theory which I think is a pretty dodgy one , they have to go from capitalism to achieve socialism
44 Er Chairman this , this matter has caused great concern in Bungay I can tell you , I went to the Bungay town meeting last night and they were absolutely horrified at the way this has been handled and I have to apologize on behalf of the , of the County Council .
45 However , the dismal picture which some computer scientists have painted of hackerhood , it should be noted , applies only to extreme cases .
46 Hence the courts have had to evolve various canons of construction which , even more unfortunately , have fluctuated from time to time , thus over-ruling earlier decisions and defeating the legitimate expectations of investors who purchased preference shares in reliance on the construction adopted earlier .
47 These experiments are , however , still pulsed , and it would be extremely valuable if a true continuous wave all-optical passive resonator system could be developed , to give the sort of experimental impetus that the xenon and helium-xenon lasers have given to laser instabilities .
48 In a typically grandiose gesture , CEGB chairman Sir Walter Marshall said on television that if the inquiry rejected the board 's case on safety grounds , he would resign ‘ because it meant that the technical advice I have given to government in past years has been proved to be incorrect ’ .
49 It 's a very striking book because while on the one hand he admires the Bolsheviks very greatly for the hope that they have given to man , for the feeling that they have given to the world that new potentialities are there to be realized if only we had enough courage , yet on the other hand , even at that point , he was acutely conscious that the Bolsheviks ' attitude towards the equality of power was leading them in a fatal direction , and long before Stalinism began to take shape , he described in advance what he expected to come .
50 The reductions at those six points are the figures I have given in paragraph three , seventeen percent , nineteen percent , twenty eight percent , twenty three percent , ten percent and thirteen percent .
51 B : ‘ We have to shop for food every other day .
52 There is also er as , as well as recognizing that there are some things that perhaps we might have er concluded , but because of the er nature of the definition have fallen outside inclusion of this report .
53 They have fallen with anger and sadness .
54 Whether the inhibition of news publishing by threat of contempt proceedings constitutes a denial of freedom of speech and whether the use a corporal punishment in schools can constitute a breach of Art.3 ( prohibiting torture , etc. ) are amongst a host of other matters , such as the legality of the ‘ closed shop ’ , which have fallen for consideration .
55 Pig producers receive no EC subsidies , and depressed pork and bacon prices have meant some farmers have fallen into drug misuse to keep animals alive long enough to reach slaughter weight .
56 The sheds have fallen into disrepair and are described as ‘ Sad and strange . ’
57 ‘ Due to the expense of rebuilding walls , many have fallen into disrepair or disappeared altogether .
58 In the West , where many people have lost the will to create a faith for themselves and where many have fallen into despair , Julian 's imaginative approach to religion shows a possible way forward .
59 Many large-scale competitor data bases , especially those on mainframes , have fallen into disuse .
60 A humourless man is one whose muscles of humour have fallen into disuse and have petrified ; he is also an uncreative man for humour may be thought of as the first rung of the creative ladder .
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