Example sentences of "'s [adj] [to-vb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It 's possible to formulate theories of very simple aspects of physics where the laws or the strengths of different forces , say like gravity , actually change from place to place and make predictions as to what the observable consequences should be , erm and to a very degree of accuracy one concludes that the strengths of the forces of nature and the laws and the rules of the game are not changing from place to place .
2 It 's possible to have shingles anywhere on the body .
3 Alternatively , it 's possible to accumulate credits from each of the class options you choose .
4 Moreover , there are other qualifications of A 's right to retake goods .
5 ‘ It 's painful to see children playing .
6 ‘ If they think it 's OK to become lovers , then it will be OK .
7 It 's easier to carry bits than bodies .
8 Both pan supports are also vitreous enamelled , and designed so that it 's easier to slide pans over them .
9 It 's easier to dismiss reports of low employee morale than face the facts and act accordingly .
10 Well it 's easier to transport things overseas or wherever .
11 And so I think that it 's easier to make criticisms of small matters in detail , but it is not easier to make a serious defence cut .
12 It 's easier to find excuses for poor customer service than accept reality and do something about it .
13 MAUREEN : Then it 's easier to find stations on the A set .
14 Planning a path on paper before you build gives an idea of the shapes and patterns you can create with the materials available to you — and it 's easier to correct mistakes on paper than on the real thing !
15 ‘ Connie says it 's easier to hide bodies than you might think .
16 ‘ Emma , has n't anyone told you it 's wrong to harbour grudges ? ’
17 Besides , it 's wrong to hurt prisoners .
18 ‘ It 's not that we think it 's wrong to have girl-friends , we just choose not to at the moment .
19 And when you have that level of confidence it 's easy to do things because , you know , you just do it ; it never occurs to you that you might not be capable of pulling something off .
20 It 's easy to spot flocks of geese as they migrate .
21 It 's easy to change things if you say , I want , three decimals instead of two whenever .
22 It 's easy to find examples of similar wickedness and sin in the twentieth century .
23 Well actually , it 's easy to write songs ; it 's hard to write good ones . ’
24 The Ober Gabelhorn-Wellenkuppe traverse , the most frequented route up the mountain , is a very traditional climb , the kind of route that it 's easy to imagine Victorians accompanied by their Swiss guides tackling : balancing along the snow arête , confronting the Grand Gendarme and cutting steps up the steep summit ridge .
25 It 's easy to get things straight and clean , so if they did n't , they wanted it .
26 ‘ There are too many people around who think it 's easy to make sandwiches and will set up in a garden shed , almost , ’ said Jim Winship , director of the British Sandwich Association .
27 celebrities , erm if it 's , you know , individuals at work erm you know er perhaps it 's appropriate to use pseudonyms but erm you know with celebrities I mean people do projects about , you know , kind of soap stars and things like that and say
28 It 's pointless to take notes and then put them away until exam revision .
29 ‘ It 's pointless to regret things , ’ she told him , smiling .
30 ‘ It 's unseemly to have women on stage . ’
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