Example sentences of "'s [verb] the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 's using the ace. ace for er PC 's .
2 He said ‘ The farmers have always tolerated the hunt because it controls the deer , but whenever it 's stopped the deer have died have died out very quickly .
3 Oh well , that 's broken the duck anyway .
4 So , to a degree , he 's earned the shit he gets , because of the way he 's manipulated the media — but it 's true , a lot of the criticism in the UK is stupid , really B-grade stuff .
5 " Look , he 's pushed the fish 's head aside . "
6 It 's meeting the people .
7 But it seems to me like it 's passing the buck a bit in the way they 're just sort of taking responsibility
8 It 's Rebel that 's worrying the sheep .
9 ‘ The one that 's worrying the sheep .
10 Which he 's quite within his right to do , if it 's scaring the sheep
11 It 's believed the deer had been struggling in the snare for more than two days before it was found .
12 ‘ He 's passed the buck to me so let's get creative . ’
13 I think one of the things which the French have learnt to do is , indeed , to integrate specialists , whether they 're scientists , whether they 're economists , erm and their generalists , that 's to say the people who have basically a legal , economic , administrative background , to integrate them within the administrative hierarchy in a much better way than we have , erm and this is erm something which does I think make it easier sometimes to provide advice that really is erm clued up about the technical aspects of something .
14 He 's hoping the £80m service is all its cracked up to be , although his aims are n't extravagant .
15 He 's created the media thing , rightly or wrongly , but it must put more pressure on him .
16 ‘ They think it 's him that 's killing the sheep .
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