Example sentences of "'s [subord] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The old robber was sitting on the bed , whispering to himself , his face more like a trapped animal 's than a human 's .
2 ‘ What man in the whole world ’ , C. S. Lewis asked , ‘ except a father or a potential father-in-law , cares whether any other man gets married ? ’ and he partly answered his own question by saying that the ‘ self-abnegation ’ and ‘ anxiety ’ of the Poet for his Friend 's good was ‘ more like a parent 's than a lover 's ’ .
3 The local authority , on the other hand , say that ‘ the care given to the child ’ in section 31(2) ( b ) ( i ) means the care given by the mother to the child in this case and that , in any event , it is not clear that the child would go to the grandmother 's if a care order was not made , because the mother is still claiming , or was still claiming , that the care should be given to her .
4 it 's it 's till a pentagon is n't it ?
5 Maybe he 's annoyed because he ca n't quite figure what all this has to do with what the programme describes as ‘ the cyberspace experience ’ , maybe it 's because a minute ago he was nearly run over by a 30-foot-high mutoid metal minotaur , but he looks about ready to chin someone .
6 If I again mention Mason 's Lighthouses — in its way a score of not dissimilar scope and fascination , written only a year later by a composer a generation younger — it 's because a comparison ( which Collins Classics has now made possible ) of these two pieces helps to highlight the individual nature of Birtwistle 's achievement .
7 Nurse Harvey 's after a feed soothes away wind and tummy upsets and relieves pain during teething .
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