Example sentences of "were still [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were n't getting anywhere and the ANC said they were still to reach a decision .
2 However , the regular use of overtime meant that adult male manual workers were still undertaking an average week of 44.2 hours in 1988 .
3 The new dietary proved to be an improvement although the youngest children were still wasting a great deal of the milk porridge , and alternation of a diet with tea and bread-and-butter was advised , similar to that given to children over the age of nine .
4 The Russian campaign started , in fact , while most people were still expecting the final show-down with Britain to begin in the near future .
5 If it were March and we were still drawing the curtains at four .
6 Frances Donaghy of the RCN in Northern Ireland said 2,000 beds had been removed during the past four years yet hospitals were still handling the same volume of patients .
7 The aircraft were still dropping the canisters as we came near to the dropping zone .
8 However , it appears that the plentiful supplies of sugar were not wholly unwelcome to Soviet leaders , who were still pursuing the consumption drive which was behind the February 1960 agreement .
9 The Allied guns were still shelling the German positions and there was a lot of activity going on .
10 Thus , early in 1933 , the Communists were still advocating the " United Front from Below " , the formation of action committees rather than the establishment of formal relations between Left leaders .
11 There were to be brief respites from the prolonged drought , one of which Gould was to be most fortunate to encounter , but the settlers were still facing a period of unparalleled hardship .
12 Down in Roirbak 's workshop , Ari skidded to where Leila and Quincx were still re-running the surveillance vid .
13 ( They were still patrolling the streets of Madrid as late as 1973 , when they were officially retired . )
14 Yes , there were er , I think there was one , two , three , four houses , four or five houses that were occupied before we came in , they were still building The Chantry incidently and er you know it was a it was quite a shock to us and the wife was a bit upset you know when having to , we came from Plymouth actually , Devon , and er the wife was a bit er down you know all the night travelling all night with the children
15 Why would anyone keep such a letter unless they were still considering a response to it ?
16 The improvement in sterling eased fears of a sharp rise in interest rates , although money market professionals yesterday were still discounting a half-point rise to 11 p.c. in bank base rates .
17 I was told that the local authority were still maintaining an open mind about the possibility of placing the children with the father and that the choice of foster parents made in October was intended to cover the possibility of the children being returned to the father , but also to cover the possibility of a need for the children to be with foster parents for some longer time , in the event of the assessment of the father proving unsatisfactory .
18 In 1990 dealers and auctioneers were still stressing the importance of Paris to the Tokyo market .
19 Tito 's partisans and regular troops were still entering the area in even larger numbers .
20 They were still evacuating the area when a device exploded at the Northern Bank .
21 Yesterday police were still combing the area for any similar devices which may have been hidden and for further clues .
22 Some medium-sized schools had shifted to a three-tier model , while some large schools were still operating a rather unsatisfactory and somewhat stressed version of Type 2 or even Type 1 .
23 From this one can infer that it belongs chronologically to that transition period in Spanish ceramics when the displaced potters of Malaga had set up afresh in Valencia but were still using the traditional designs of Andalusia in their new environment .
24 Most of them , according to contemporary accounts , were still using the same crude methods and homely remedies that were popular 100 years before .
25 Oh I , I should think that about fifteen years ago er when erm the lighting manufacturers had decided that er there was a great deal more available in lighting than just the erm , type of glass bowls and shades that had been used , well in between the wars er , I mean after the war was over in nineteen forty six er they were still using the same things that they did before the war and this just carried on er and er it , it only within the last what I suppose fifty years that 's over
26 The two members of staff were still debating the issue of whether he should be bathed and shaved , whether he liked it or not , when I left .
27 Your Sunday paper very likely came in sections , some of which you were still reading the following week .
28 In the early 1900s , when boys were still reading the Alger tales , Henry Ford made his fortune mass-producing the Model T , and in the process became both a national folk hero and a potential presidential candidate .
29 Agricultural workers were still denied the right to organize , a situation which continues today .
30 The guards left us alone and we often watched television , although we were still denied the news .
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