Example sentences of "were done in the " in BNC.

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1 But for decades such scenes were done in the studio : if you think of the scene between the brothers Charley ( Rod Steiger ) and Terry ( Marlon Brando ) in On the Waterfront ( 1953 ) , as they talk in the back of a limo , the background of night-time streets has to be there and be moving ; but it 's only partly visible ( and the cars of the 1930s and '40s had small rear windows ) and becomes dramatically significant only after Terry has left the car .
2 The second investigation was just one of hundreds that were done in the sixties .
3 She just accepted the way things were done in the Army .
4 Let those things that were done in the dark of night be revealed for your justice and that of the king in the full light of day . ’
5 If this were done in the City , the IRA could simply switch their targets to prestigious offices in the provinces .
6 All data entry and processing were done in the study headquarters in Navrongo with IBM PS/2 computers and dBase III+ software .
7 A contract is an international supply contract if three conditions are satisfied : ( a ) it is a contract for the sale of goods or it is one under , or in pursuance of which , possession or ownership of goods passes ; and ( b ) it is made by parties whose places of business ( or habitual residence , if they have no place of business ) are in the territories of different states ; and ( c ) either ( i ) at the time the contract is made , the goods are in the course of carriage , or will be carried , between the territories of two states ; or ( ii ) the acts constituting offer and acceptance were done in the territories of different states ; or ( iii ) the contract provides for the goods to be moved to the territory of a state other than that in which the offer and acceptance took place .
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