Example sentences of "were taken [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Volunteers present at the two events were taken through a questionnaire on the day of the study , followed by a shorter questionnaire a week later ( by phone or post ) and four weeks later ( by post ) .
2 If donations were taken at a service , they were left at the door either on the way in or on the way out .
3 Three subjects were taken at A level and they were usually taken as packages of closely related studies : physics , chemistry , and mathematics ; French , German , and English ; history , geography , and economics .
4 With strangers the preliminaries were taken at a more gingerly pace .
5 The rest of us were taken at a more sedate pace for a check-up at the hospital .
6 Each field started with 95 cells and images were taken at a rate of 12 frames per hour .
7 The photographs were taken at a high water level .
8 She went on record to reassure parents that no children were taken with a revenge motive .
9 Thus the NEB 's reassurances were taken with a strong dose of salt .
10 Influenced by developments such as these , substantial public support began to develop for measures which would protect the position of the indigenous nationalities and which would ensure that economic decisions were taken with a greater degree of consideration for local circumstances .
11 General photographs ( ‘ body maps ’ ) were taken with a 35 mm camera and Kodachrome colour slide film .
12 Transmission electron micrographs were taken with a Joel JEM100CX microscope at magnifications ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 .
13 The soldiers , carrying pistols and M-16 rifles , got into a pickup truck outside the hotel and were taken to a Salvadorean military installation .
14 All four were taken to a hotel to go through the agonising ordeal of kissing goodbye to the baby they had thought was theirs .
15 The remains of a few victims were taken to a makeshift mortuary in a hangar at Schiphol .
16 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
17 After a few days , we were taken to a camp for women and children north of Perpignan , where there was food and shelter , although not enough of either .
18 Next morning we were taken to a small village nearby , on a patch of dry ground in the middle of a bog , and on this uninviting spot the chief , an aged , autocratic savage called Afleodham , instructed us to camp .
19 Once at the Prince Albert Street police station , Amaranth and her escort were taken to a small , comfortably furnished room where they were interviewed by a woman detective .
20 They were taken to a room with walls of glass , overlooked by a central console with nurses in attendance .
21 Patricia Holding , from Durham County Council , told the court more than 30 drums of hazardous paint stripper were taken to a dump at Heighington Lane , Newton Aycliffe .
22 The others continued to Sydney , where they were taken to an internment camp at Hay , three miles up the railway on the Murrumbidgee river .
23 KIRSTY HAY and her Scottish junior champions were taken to an extra end by Manuella Kormann 's Swiss quartet at the world junior championships in Grindelwald yesterday .
24 After lectures from two British Airways pilots and a clinical psychologist , 80 people were taken for a short flight .
25 And at the end of the session we were taken for a tow round the harbour .
26 Blackpool Council were impressed with the smooth running and high speeds , when they were taken for a trial run on July 1st in 1898 .
27 A black and white television and cash were taken during a burglary at a bedsit in Corporation Road on Saturday .
28 In 14 of the latter , the spaces between sections were too large or the thoracic examinations were taken without a lung window , and 3 non-seminoma patients had no thoracic diagnostic CT .
29 Broadly speaking the responses were taken as a reaffirmation of the existing partnership at two levels — between the Council and institutions , and between subject boards and academic staff : ‘ the mechanisms proposed in the paper for modifying the partnership had clearly been rejected ’ , but the rejection of the proposals did not mean that the matter could there rest .
30 The men were taken into a tent and allowed to look at a group of objects for a short period after which they had to recall every detail they had observed .
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