Example sentences of "were the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were the banker of the Condor missile development on which Argentina co-operated , with the further expertise of Egyptian engineers .
2 The lecture periods could be used for outside visitors , or for specific and relevant accounts by teachers who did not normally participate in the work ; examples were the playing of records of part of Haydn 's Creation with explanation and commentary , by a teacher made specially available , and a talk on Red Indian tribes by a visitor from a local museum , together with overhead transparencies , slides and objects from the museum collection .
3 The urban poor were the backbone of Torrijos 's support , and they continued initially to cheer for Noriega .
4 Sergeants were the backbone of the police .
5 In Liverpool , all seafarers — seamen , firemen , donkeymen , greasers and similar grades who were the backbone of the NSFU and catering staff and shore gangs who were joining Cotter 's union — received 105 a week increase , abolition of the medical examination and the right to wear the button of the appropriate recognised union .
6 But listings , plus music , plus music ads were the backbone of It 's success in that period .
7 Economically it might be simpler if there was no peasantry , but was not its sturdy conservatism a guarantee of social stability , as its sturdy and numerous progeny were the backbone of most government 's armies ?
8 Currie — Along with the two above were the backbone of Armfield 's team .
9 All in all therefore , the service would not be noticeably impoverished were the element of admission to the lord 's supper to be removed from it , or were adjustments to be necessary to cover , cover some in a class who had communicated in earlier years .
10 The Venerable David Silk , Archdeacon of Leicester , summing up the theological opposition , said that in ordaining women the Church of England would ‘ cease to be part of the Catholic , apostolic church and would be behaving as if it were the whole of Christianity , or a mere sect ’ .
11 Some fundamental steps in the constitutional development of the country were the Bill of Rights 1689 which limited the power of the monarch to rule by virtue of the royal prerogative and the Act of Settlement 1700 which further strengthened the power of Parliament and provided for the succession to the English throne .
12 The most important were the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy ( CLPD ) , the Labour Co-ordinating Committee ( LCC ) , Militant and the Rank and File Mobilizing Committee ( RFMC ) , which was an attempt to get the other Left-wing groups to work together .
13 The reasons were the lack of available places and the long distances between home and school .
14 Other reasons for the unpopularity of Ullapool with our lads were the lack of social relaxation and travel facilities .
15 The main areas of concern were the lack of fire resistance of the intermediate floors that are supported by the unprotected steel uprights of the bookstacks on the floor below , and the inadequate means of escape from the Reading Room area .
16 Among its criticisms of the treaty were the lack of a judicial body to adjudicate disagreements on its provisions , the lack of democratic control , inadequate provisions on immigration and asylum , and the lack of data protection with regard to the central database to be compiled within the framework of the treaty .
17 The wider operations were the responsibility of Task Force Atlantic , which included naval forces and troops which had been sent to reinforce Southern Command earlier in the year .
18 Decisions on spending were the responsibility of the head and governors in consultation with a school finance committee of staff and governors .
19 In England the Local Government Act ( 1972 ) redrew the boundaries of local government and created a mixed system , in which major metropolitan areas retained powerful district councils whose responsibility included education , housing and social services , while in non-metropolitan areas education and social services were the responsibility of county councils , which also had the tasks of strategic ( structure ) planning .
20 As Rex ( 1988 , p58 ) has pointed out , the 1977 White Paper ‘ A Policy for the Inner Cities ’ stated that it was not concerned with the problems of Black communities as these were the responsibility of the Home Office and the Commission for Racial Equality .
21 At its height the ‘ feudal ’ system meant that Sussex could muster over 300 fully equipped mounted men , 84½ of whom were the responsibility of the Earls of Arundel and another 60 of the de Warennes ; the bishop of Chichester had to find four .
22 From the 1870s there was a discernible shift from the traditional notion that children were the responsibility of their families and that none should intervene between parents and child , a shift associated with wider changes in attitudes towards both children and the family .
23 Children 's services were the responsibility of one department , required by statute .
24 To protect itself , Company A , at the instigation of Company B , its parent company , falsely asserted that these accounts were the responsibility of the plaintiffs and wrongfully seized certain metal warrants belonging to the plaintiffs .
25 Curative treatment and medical care were the responsibility of the social security ministry agency Instituto Nacional de Assistencia Medica Previdencia Social .
26 Preventive activities and communicable diseases were the responsibility of the health minister and state health secretariats , which ran health centres , public health laboratories , and hospitals specialising in transmissible diseases .
27 Payroll details were the responsibility of the site wages offices or the salaries department at Euston Road , while personnel information was the responsibility of the site personnel records departments .
28 Gerard Robson , a member of the Falkland Islands ' Legislative Council , was quoted in the Financial Times of Feb. 16 as stating that Falkland Islanders would not be " overjoyed " by the Madrid agreement but recognized that matters of defence and foreign affairs were the responsibility of the UK government .
29 The endoscopic technique and associated sedation or anaesthesia were the responsibility of the treating physician , although , in each case , a full examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract was performed to exclude concomitant peptic disease in the oesophagus or stomach .
30 Also in the last 11 were the proprietor of California Cake & Cookie ; a geophysicist in oil and gas exploration ; an credit review manager for Midland Bank ; a training officer for GEC Sensors ; and a land registrar for the Isle of Man .
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