Example sentences of "were find on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The point is that if anything of that degree of complexity were found on a planet , we should have no hesitation in concluding that life existed , or had once existed , on that planet .
2 The mutilated bodies of the women were found on a remote beach in northern Natal , near the Mozambique border , last December .
3 When the plaque on the home of the ‘ British Ambassador ’ was removed , the words ‘ Residence of the British High Commissioner ’ were found on the back , a relic from 1972 when Pakistan left the Commonwealth in protest at its recognition of Bangladesh .
4 It is here that the nose section of the 747 landed , 150 yards from the church , and 120 bodies were found on the surrounding hills .
5 in 1971 the pub attracted the police 's attention when a supply of electrical goods were found on the premises .
6 On Sunday there were reliable reports of a pod of live whales off Skegness , and two more carcasses were found on the south bank of the river Witham and another near Tabs Head .
7 Around 2,000 plants worth £200,000 were found on the site at Lower Avenue in Bowers Gifford , near Basildon .
8 The conversion to resemble one of the USA tanks which were found on the Southern Railway after the Second World War has been pretty successful .
9 No significant differences were found on the other four scales .
10 Highlights are two gold treasures , the ‘ Schatz von Hiddensee ’ , sixteen pieces of gold jewellery which were found on the shore of the Baltic , and the twenty-five piece set of jewellery of the empress Agnes .
11 The Spanish student who discovered them is now thought to have painted the cave with natural pigments but using modern rubber sponges , fragments of which were found on the walls .
12 Two fragmentary statues with a strong superficial resemblance to Cheramyes 's were found on the Acropolis of Athens ; but they are much less subtle , squarer , and the head of one is preserved ( fig. 30 ) , long-faced , not at all in the East Greek mould .
13 Your fingerprints were found on the spent shell cases they found on The Sandhopper 's deck .
14 Traces of radioactive contamination were found on the flask when it was being washed after arrival .
15 Traces of explosives were found on the clothing of the three accused , two of whom were in the back seat of the vehicle and one in the front passenger seat .
16 For the primary tumour , allele losses were found on the short arm of chromosome 17 ( probe : p144-D6 , 17p13 ) and the long arm of chromosome 5 with the probe Lambda MS8 ( 5q35-qter ) ; other probes showed either no allele loss or a non-informative pattern .
17 Heavy deposits of pollen were found on the facial fur of these animals .
18 About 15 of the canisters , which explode when they dry out , have been discovered on the coast at Mull of Kintyre and more than 50 were found on the Isle of Man , where five have spontaneously ignited .
19 However , if part of that heartwood were found on an archaeological site , the radiocarbon result would not provide the date of usage of the wood , but rather a date three hundred radiocarbon years earlier , and more if it has been seasoned before use or re-used .
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