Example sentences of "were find in the " in BNC.

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1 Scottie and her sister were found in the boot of a car .
2 Balls of Semtex — slightly bigger than Maltesers but powerful enough to blast away doors — were found in the shoe heels , which had been hollowed out and then bonded together again , security sources disclosed .
3 Includes remains of some 42 skeletons which were found in the caves .
4 The original window shutters for the front of the house were found in the barn and Graeme rehung them .
5 Faults were found in the DTI 's procedures involving the scrutiny of an auditor 's report of Barlow Clowes 's funds .
6 Another two were found in the shop of a man called Hasham Abassi , Dalkammoni 's brother-in-law , two months after the PanAm bombing .
7 It is believed that these clothes have been taken to Malta for comparison with items purchased there which were found in the suitcase containing the bomb .
8 The spark plugs were found in the lunch box as arranged and he was immediately dismissed in accordance with company practice .
9 The bodies of at least 30 people were found in the streets , an army officer said .
10 Exceptions to this were found in the older family where the wife had always been active and continued to work into her 70's , and where a specialised product like cheese was being produced for farm gate sales .
11 Their colonies , looking like so many miniature hacksaw blades , often completely covered bedding planes , and usually they were found in the absence of other kinds of fossils .
12 Footprints matching the shoes of the other two brothers , Henry and Francis , were found in the vicinity of the crime .
13 The only Armenian remains to be saved were found in the desert around Deir Ez-Zohr .
14 These are the human remains that appear in the picture of the priests , from bodies that had already been torn apart by dogs before they were found in the sand .
15 The cave infill at Westbury-sub-Mendip was uncovered during quarrying in 1969 when bones were found in the quarry workings and shown to local experts .
16 Newmill-1 followed in 1971 and reached 6500 ft in the Lower Permian Sandstone , near the top of which it encountered traces of gas ; further traces were found in the Sherwood Sandstone .
17 With so many urban areas on the coast it is not surprising that Herring Gulls nest on buildings in Sussex , and during the Operation Seafarer counts of 1969 between 106 and 131 pairs were found in the Hastings and St. Leonards district , and nests have more recently been recorded at Eastbourne , Brighton , and Worthing .
18 Marine fossils from the Tethys Ocean , a sea that existed 250 million years ago southeast of the Eurasian land mass , were found in the terrane .
19 The next morning their bodies were found in the tub where they had fallen asleep .
20 The Old Mill , at the west end of the village , was still operative until the early years of the Second World War , and the New Mill at the east end , which lost its sails in a gale so severe that parts of them were found in the next village , has been restored in recent years and is now a very attractive dwelling .
21 But when being prepared in the laboratory , cavities were found in the bones with tiny corrugated bone formations running at right angles .
22 Many students returned to Oxford prior to 1335 , and only seventeen masters , six parish priests and fourteen students were found in the last inquisition .
23 Flammable liquids were found in the Queen 's private chapel , a castle source claimed yesterday .
24 ‘ All these items were found in the Queen 's private chapel and are not mentioned in the official report .
25 Labourers were found in the docks , railways , factories and domestic spheres , many of them employed on a casual basis .
26 Officers said traces of the poison were found in the family 's car , which was discovered at a remote Indian reservation with the commodity broker 's body inside .
27 It claimed matches and more than 30 lighters were found in the house in places accessible to the children .
28 The earliest known glass mirrors date back to Greco-Roman times , and were found in the tombs at Arsinoe in Egypt .
29 No sex differences were found in the rate of problems but the difficulties were found to persist for one year in about two-thirds of these children and to persist for over five years in about one-third .
30 No ready-to-use bombs were found in the raids .
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