Example sentences of "were take to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The soldiers , carrying pistols and M-16 rifles , got into a pickup truck outside the hotel and were taken to a Salvadorean military installation .
2 All four were taken to a hotel to go through the agonising ordeal of kissing goodbye to the baby they had thought was theirs .
3 The remains of a few victims were taken to a makeshift mortuary in a hangar at Schiphol .
4 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
5 After a few days , we were taken to a camp for women and children north of Perpignan , where there was food and shelter , although not enough of either .
6 Next morning we were taken to a small village nearby , on a patch of dry ground in the middle of a bog , and on this uninviting spot the chief , an aged , autocratic savage called Afleodham , instructed us to camp .
7 Once at the Prince Albert Street police station , Amaranth and her escort were taken to a small , comfortably furnished room where they were interviewed by a woman detective .
8 They were taken to a room with walls of glass , overlooked by a central console with nurses in attendance .
9 Patricia Holding , from Durham County Council , told the court more than 30 drums of hazardous paint stripper were taken to a dump at Heighington Lane , Newton Aycliffe .
10 The others continued to Sydney , where they were taken to an internment camp at Hay , three miles up the railway on the Murrumbidgee river .
11 KIRSTY HAY and her Scottish junior champions were taken to an extra end by Manuella Kormann 's Swiss quartet at the world junior championships in Grindelwald yesterday .
12 We were taken to the chief who instructed four young boys to show us the path up to the top .
13 Government officials in Bonn said that the Soviet Union had played a key role in obtaining the agreement under which the thousands who had taken refuge in the Prague and Warsaw embassies were taken to the West at the weekend .
14 To ease the pressure , a truckload of Commandos were taken to the rear where they could relax for a couple of days .
15 After the service we were taken to the centre of Adelaide for the main parade .
16 We were taken to the XX hospital where they took many photos and asked questions .
17 His team , World Cup finalists and dotted with household idols , were taken to the cleaners by a bunch of Australian students and farmers in the first Test , and the second Test at Lille promises to be not only a trial of Fouroux 's incumbency as coach but also his tactical shrewdness in selection .
18 Soviet television crews were taken to the site , telegenic Soviet doctors were produced to discuss the likely consequences .
19 Neither of the men knew , so they were taken to the station and charged with stealing a car .
20 Yesterday Essex were taken to the last over by first-class newcomers Durham before securing a four-wicket win in a 50-over friendly at Chelmsford .
21 The remainder of L Detachment finally clambered on to the trucks of Jake Easonsmith 's patrol and were taken to the LRDG base at Siwa Oasis , just to the north of the Great Sand Sea .
22 All the other components were taken to the machine shop , where multi-spindle three head drills , straight line drills and umbrella punches , completed the machinery and the finished articles were taken direct to their place of assembly .
23 The wagons were taken by traverser to the Wagon Shop for final coats of paint and the completed wagons were taken to the Gravel Sidings where they were brake and steam tested ( if fitted with same ) .
24 After some four hours on these test rows the vehicles were taken to the lift shop .
25 Wheels needing retyring were taken to the wheel shop .
26 This was done and full reports were taken to the DHSS on 7 October with a revised Data Sheet proposal , which included recommendations about dosage in elderly patients .
27 The Chinese imagined that the Scots were like the Albanians — and appropriately enough we were taken to the Sino-Albanian Friendship Commune . )
28 About 30 tons of turf and top soil , and several tons of burned tarmac , were removed from the area over which the aircraft had broken up and come to rest ; the tyres of vehicles , footwear of personnel , and all items of equipment used at the site , were taken to the hanger and cleaned of mud and grass .
29 We were taken to the station , dragged down to the cells and left there — all of us , Dad , Russell , his friend Tony and me .
30 No one was hurt in the rush hour blast but a few people were taken to the Royal Free Hospital , Hampstead , suffering from shock .
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