Example sentences of "were make about [art] " in BNC.

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1 Recommendations were made about a wide range of topics : relationships between school , home and neighbourhood ; youth clubs and voluntary organisations ; the health of children at school and young people at work ; and ‘ compensatory ’ further education for workers in routine jobs .
2 There is a chief superintendent in RUC Headquarters whose sole responsibility is community relations , and no complaints were made about the level of managerial support given them by Easton 's senior officers , something unusual for ordinary policemen and women in the RUC , and particularly so compared to community policing sections in other forces ( Grimshaw and Jefferson 1987 ) .
3 Moreover , and although certain persuasive remarks were made about the desirability of shifting the balance towards science and technology , no sustained attempt at manpower planning was to be made .
4 The nature of this particular situation added an emotional element that made the task even more difficult , and many subjective statements were made about the transformation , statements that appeared to reflect the concern of the analysts for the recipients of the service ( for instance , making old people comfortable in their last few years , and providing caring services for terminally old people ) .
5 In the 1950s some very powerful films were made about the reactions of children to separation from their parents when admitted to hospital or residential nurseries .
6 Vastly inflated claims were made about the membership , which reached its peak in 1925 — 6 with several thousand active members .
7 The sixth application was dismissed as an abuse of the process of the court in November 1991 , and directions were made about the procedures to be adopted in future applications .
8 After second reading , clause 52 of the Bill was committed to a committee of the whole House and clause 54 to Standing Committee E. On 17 May 1976 , the House considered clause 52 and strong representations were made about the impact of clause 52 on airline and railway employees .
9 Wreckage analysis showed that there was nothing untoward about the airframe or engines , However comments were made about the avionics installation .
10 Membership expressing real views , real concerns and John if you listen very carefully , it was also about wanting to see a delivery of the promises that were made about the merger .
11 In addition , comments were made about the ambit of the implied duty of fidelity and business secrets during employment .
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