Example sentences of "were not going [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It said a lot for the captain himself that his team remained confident in themselves even when results were not going for the Scots .
2 Oxford , now at full steam , were not going to be caught , eventually crossing the line , at 36 to Cambridge 's 35 .
3 One or two mentioned that they would look forward to the course and that if they were not going to an ATB event they would be out anyway .
4 The couple were not going to the palace of Saint Cloud , which would certainly not have provided an intimate setting for a honeymoon , but to a small house at Villeneuve l'Etang , which the Emperor had purchased himself .
5 This , however , was a determined pack and we were not going to be put off by small obstacles like being unable to stand up or walk forward .
6 Whether this meant that market forces were not going to be allowed unrestrained activity is unclear ; there was definitely no legal mechanism to inhibit them .
7 He had , and was going to have , the worst hangover of his life , but even in the throes of it he was aware of a sense of relief that they were staying there , they were not going to Greece .
8 The scene was set for confrontation and as these confrontations continued without an end in sight , it became clear that the usual tactics of the unions were not going to work .
9 He told arts correspondents on 6 May that while they had created an expectation of radical reform of the Arts Council , his team were not going to ‘ rush their fences ’ .
10 Ansel Key 's subjects knew they were not going to be starved to death , being part of a controlled experiment under constant medical supervision , so in their cases the implications of hunger were not life-threatening .
11 New jobs , particularly in financial and professional services were being created in the City and in Docklands but were not going to local residents .
12 Even so , the jobs located in the cities were not going to inner-city residents but to people who lived in the leafy suburbs .
13 They knew now that it was on these and on nothing else that their lives depended , and they were not going to waste anything they possessed between them .
14 ‘ We felt that if she was going to turn on those sort of tactics we were not going to be gentlemanly about it , and that she should just get on and do the job . ’
15 This time , however , we were not going to the Consulate but driving straight to the border .
16 The three boys set out , but they walked so slowly that Oliver thought they were not going to work at all .
17 They were not going to be involved in what he did .
18 Fenella gasped and felt the sour bitterness of evil magic touching her and remembered that the Stroicim Inchinn was the most strongly forbidden enchantment of all , and that whatever else they were going to be doing here , they were not going to be dealing with forbidden spells .
19 But the management did respond and er I think it was just because of the sheer pressure of the shop stewards er making continuous overtures to them on each and every problem that came up , and they were not going to be set aside er with a simple answer er that would n't satisfy a member .
20 He was dressed for dinner and she knew without doubt that they were not going to be invited to join him .
21 It was n't a question of alternative routes , the grey routes were wiped out said were not going to be considered .
22 Because of this , people were n't going into nursing homes . ’
23 Things were n't going at all well within the UK vehicle Division .
24 The majority had no wish to stop work , particularly after the great strides which had been made in recent months , but they were n't going to be sat on either .
25 She ‘ knew ’ that she would not be returning ; no-one had ever seen her fridge in need of care and they were n't going to now .
26 I remember one day we were at the studio doing The Long Duel and we obviously were n't going to work .
27 ‘ DAS made it clear to the shop that they were n't going to be messed around , ’ explains Lawrence .
28 Well , they were n't going to bloody stop because the foot sign was lit , not with the hold-all full .
29 There 's another item of news , which erm , er Ron only got on the sixteenth August and it 's about the pre-congress pensioner 's march and rally , now the congress is held in Glasgow , so I think we were n't going to that one anyway , but it just giving details of erm the arrangements for the pensioner 's march which we usually have , we usually attend if it 's in the South anywhere , but that 's just for information .
30 You said you were n't going to .
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