Example sentences of "were not make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was said that these were not made for Blackpool , but for another buyer .
2 The finest bronze castings of Shang China and arguably of all time were not made for implements or even weapons , but for the ritual vessels centred on the cult of ancestors .
3 I threw down my fibreglass extensions and made as polished an exit as possible , given that my huge orange plastic boots were not made for walking .
4 In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews , that great chapter which deals with ‘ the nature and fruits of faith ’ as it is headed in the ‘ Thompson Chain Reference ’ bible , the third verse reads as follows - ‘ Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God , so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear . ’
5 What Wood points out is that , if the system were not made of complementary modules but was redundantly organized with function distributed across all components , there are some conditions under which double dissociations would still arise .
6 The most amusing of these is the suggestion that pikemen worse short buff-coats made from imported buffalo leather from America , while in fact pikemen did not wear buff-coats , and the buff-coats which were worn by cavalry troopers were not made of American buffalo leather but local oxhide .
7 Or if a jeweller said , you know , the rings in my window are made of gold when really they were not made of gold at all , then that would be a false trade description .
8 We suspected they were not made of sheepskin at all er and we took some of them away and analyzed them to find out what exactly are they made of .
9 Fenella saw , with a thrill of horror , that as his hand went through the colours , the robes shivered as if they were not made of plain cloth , but of some living , breathing substance .
10 She 'd always envied Mandy her wonderful looks and her voluptuous compact figure , but she had long ago accepted the fact that she and Mandy were not made of the same stuff .
11 Again , the imploded drums found at early US sea disposal dump sites were not made to the much tighter standards pioneered in the UK and embodied in current national and international codes of practice .
12 In the colonial courts payments were not made to the judge , but to witnesses , court officials and lawyers whose task it was to manipulate the evidence placed before the judge in order to produce an outcome favourable to the client .
13 Old stopcocks were not made to a standard size and it may take some searching in plumbers ’ merchants to find something that will enable you to connect new copper pipe .
14 In the event two of the five timed deliveries were not made on time and the sailings were lost .
15 ( The basic rate of income tax was cut from 33 per cent to 30 per cent in the 1979 Conservative Budget — the ‘ Incentive Budget ’ — but further cuts were not made until 1986 when the rate was cut to 29 per cent , and thereafter to 27 per cent in 1987 and 25 per cent in 1988 ) .
16 However , the increased payments deficits of the USA during the early 1970s provided the international monetary system with extra liquidity in the form of dollars , and further issues of SDRs were not made until 1979–81 .
17 The magnificent Persian carpets in Western museums , that are generally accepted as being the epitome of oriental textile art , were not made until the early 16th century .
18 The rules governing payment of UB and DB were changed in April 1991 to reflect the eligibility of part time workers but the Regulations to bring those new rules into effect were not made until the end of December 1992 .
19 Assessments of less than £1 were not made in the subsidy , and nearly all below £2 were based on wages , except for a few based on income from land ; and since the statutory proviso , doubtless intended to allay fears raised by the inquest of 1522 , restricted taxation to one form of wealth only , any personal property belonging to persons so taxed was ignored .
20 Contraceptive IUDs as such were not developed until 1930 by Ohta in Japan , and were not made in a form suitable for mass use until after the Second World War .
21 Walton J. dismissed the petition on the ground that the payments were not made in discharge of a demand illegally made under colour of office , though in the course of his judgment he observed , at p. 745 , that the moneys were paid under a mistaken belief on the part of the employers that they were bound to pay them .
22 The hon. Gentleman will know that the changes made to students ' entitlement to housing benefit and income support were not made in isolation .
23 Despite the expected growth in demand , the Geneva-based International Air Transport Association warned in a report published on April 10 , 1990 , that air travel in western Europe would be brought to a standstill if improvements were not made in capacity , the harmonization of air traffic control and the availability of trained air traffic controllers .
24 He was held not guilty of robbery because the threats were not made in order to take the money .
25 Comparable identifications of an image of death in other parts of the descriptive frame ( for example , in the reference to the " dead leaves ' in sentence ( g ) ) , which were not made in previous tutorials , were also made in the course of the present exercise .
26 I should say that the markings on the copy you 're receiving are mine , they were not made in the context of this discussion .
27 Though 21 of 52 ( 40% ) of these referrals were not made by participating general practitioners and a proportion may have constituted unnecessary duplication of care , most were referred appropriately as part of the shared care arrangements .
28 Pairs of brooches often have similar values of silver , but some reveal significant differences in copper values indicating they were not made from the same batch of metal .
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