Example sentences of "were [to-vb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even if no more water were to flow into the aquifer , water would flow out , like the air from the tyre , until the pressure was no longer enough to lift the water above ground level .
2 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
3 We were to go into the mountains and spend one night in tents before making our rendezvous the next day .
4 And how many officers were to go into the flat ?
5 That day the Brigade gave their first public display , and these events , with the rescue from a burning building as the highlight , were to continue into the 1930s .
6 ‘ If the plutonium were to fall into the wrong hands the results could be catastrophic .
7 If someone very close ( a member of your family , for instance ) were to come into the room while you were in that state , you would be aware of it but you probably would not move or do anything about it because it felt ‘ right ’ .
8 I do not suppose that in every case it would be worth the trouble that would be caused to the taxing authorities if they were to inquire into every deposit account and find if the interest had been increased , unless it had been increased by a large amount .
9 Imagine the consequences if its entire contents were to escape into the atmosphere .
10 He suspected that if he were to walk into the newsroom and make an arrest there would be only a momentary gasp before someone was out with the first of a new crop of jokes .
11 Er , in addition if you were to walk into the headquarters there today , in their trophy case the largest and most prestigious trophy is the Moller trophy .
12 Such calls were to extend into the following decade .
13 The south Italians and Sicilians , who were to flood into the big cities of the Americas , had hardly yet begun to stir from their native slum villages , the east Europeans , Catholic or Orthodox , remained largely sedentary , only the Jews seeping or flooding into provincial towns from which they had hitherto been excluded and thence into larger cities .
14 Motion pictures were to develop into the great mass entertainment of the twentieth century but they had first been shown in the cities of the late nineteenth century and both as an industry and as a social activity they were never to lose characteristics that had been determined at their birth .
15 It was not until 1876 that she started the meetings for mothers which were to develop into the Mothers ' Union .
16 Just as the drainers had previously arrived as outsiders on the wetland commons , so the conservationists were to wade into the wetland issue , often importing their perspectives from outside .
17 If such advanced technology were to get into the wrong hands , it could change the history of this planet . ’
18 George was earning well and we were to move into a little two-up two-down .
19 Such views were to move into the mainstream of Labour politics only when liberal capitalism collapsed under the strains of the First World War .
20 In this climate , various groups of individuals who had been involved in the conferences and activities of the preceding few years were to move into the drawing up of detailed proposals for curriculum development and the search for funds with which to implement these . [ … ]
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